[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] MAC to VAX ftp

gartley@ALDNCF.ALCOA.COM (J O GARTLEY) (12/08/89)

About a mouth ago I was transferring data from my MAC II (using NCSA
Telnet V2.3) to a VAX VMS system running VMS 4.7 and The Wollongong
Group software WIN/TCP V3.2 

My Mac II is connected to the Ethernet via a Kinetics Etherport II card.
The Vax is an 11/785 with a DEUNA card. 

The Transfer speed was about 150Kb/sec......Then IT happened... 

The Vax was upgraded to VMS 5.1 and the TWG software was upgraded to 5.0

Now my transfer speed is 25Kb/sec (6 times sssssllloooowwweeeerrrr) 

I have another setup that uses a Kinetics Fast/Path-4 as a router
between the Appletalk and the Ethernet and the rate went from about
40-50Kb/sec to 9kb/sec....... 

Has anyone else seen this problem....or know of a solution.... 

John Gartley

hulsebos@ehvie0.tq.ine.philips.nl (rob hulsebos) (12/12/89)

In article <8912071317.aa12002@louie.udel.edu> gartley@ALDNCF.ALCOA.COM (J O GARTLEY) writes:
>About a mouth ago I was transferring data from my MAC II (using NCSA
>Telnet V2.3) to a VAX VMS system running VMS 4.7 and The Wollongong
>Group software WIN/TCP V3.2 
>The Vax was upgraded to VMS 5.1 and the TWG software was upgraded to 5.0
>Now my transfer speed is 25Kb/sec (6 times sssssllloooowwweeeerrrr) 

I do not know if it has anything to do with it, but one of my
collegues found a problem in the C-library on VMS. Although I do
not know exactly what happened, it looked like the stupid library
did a flush of all its disk-buffers whenever a single byte was written
to a file. Of course this is disastrous from a

It took him only a few months to figure out while all our compiles
suddenly took so long... because of the 'upgrade' to VMS 5  :-(

Rob Hulsebos == hulsebos@tq.ine.philips.nl Tel +31-40-785723, Fax +31-40-786114
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