(Malcolm Reeves) (06/08/90)
We have a problem with the 3Com Linkplus software and 3Com NetBios. If we run the 3Com drivers and netbios on the 3c505 without using the Link Plus optimizer to load the software onto the intelligent adapter card all is fine (except there is no memory left to do anything). If we use the Linkplus optimizer software to put drivers and netbios in memory on the 3c505 we have lots of room for applications - but netbios does not work correctly. The difference is in the first case we use Version 1.2.1 of Netbios.exe and in the second Version 1.2.1 of Nba.exe (the adapter resident equivalent). The problem appears to be that dos paths are passed without the trailing "\" character and a large number of .exe files cannot be loaded over the network and give an "Error in EXE file" message. Has anyone experienced this problem. If so can it be fixed without an expensive upgrade. We now have two expensive 3c505 cards which cannot be used for the purpose for which they were purchased!!.