[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] FTP Software Announcement?

tdd@convex.msu.edu (Thomas D. Davis) (06/14/90)

The magic date that we kept hearing was June 11th for a big announcement from
FTP Software.  Did this happen?
Tom Davis                 | The above statement shall be construed,
Network Software Services | interpreted, and governed by me alone.
Michigan State University | EMail: tdd@convex.cl.msu.edu

fks@VAX.FTP.COM (Frances Selkirk) (06/15/90)

I didn't know we were announcing anything, but our print redirector
went into beta test on the 11th. Is that what you're looking for? This
allows printing to a network printer from within DOS applications, and
supports a variety of print servers (including lpd, of course!). This
will be integrated into PC/TCP with the next release. After that it
will be included with all new packages and upgrades, including
automatic site upgrades.


Frances Selkirk	        	 info@ftp.com	           (617) 246-0900
FTP Software, Inc.		 26 Princess Street, Wakefield, MA  01880