[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] NCSA Telnet, Packet Drivers and the WD8003W

romeo@lindy.Stanford.EDU (Patrick Goebel) (07/06/90)

	Last week I asked for help on finding both a packet driver
that would recognize the WD8003W card (10BaseT) and some TCP/IP
software that would support the packet driver.

	With a lot of help from the net, and particularly Ernie
Ellenberger and RL "Bob" Morgan, I am now telnet-ing and ftp-ing quite
happily between a PC (w/ 10BaseT card) and a SPARCserver 4/330 over
unshielded twisted pair.  Since others seem to be asking about packet
drivers and the WD 10BaseT card, I thought I'd summarize the path I

WARNING!  I am anything BUT an expert on this stuff.  It just so
happens that with a lot of assistance I was finally able to get it to
work.  Hopefully the following notes will save others some time but
please don't expect me to be able to answer many questions.

(1) Packet drivers can be obtained via anonymous ftp from
sun.soe.clarkson.edu.  The file you want is

This is an MS-DOS archive file and to unpack it on your DOS machine
you'll need to download the file


(Be sure to use binary mode when ftp-ing and also when downloading to
your PC whenever appropriate.)

(2) On your DOS machine, unpack the drivers with the command

    C:\> arce drivers.arc

(3) Look among the unpacked files for one called WD8003E.COM.  This
packet driver apparently works with the whole WD8003 family of cards.
I know for sure it works with the WD8003W (10BaseT card).

(4) If you use the default settings on the WD8003W card, you load the
packet driver on your DOS machine with the command

    C:\> WD8003E 0x60 3 0x280 0xd000

The arguments must be changed if you use different setup parameters.
Look at the DRIVERS.DOC file in the list of files that were unpacked
for further details.

NOTE: If the packet driver is loaded successfully, the harware
ethernet address of the installed card will be displayed on the

(5) To test out the packet driver, you will need network software that
supports it (surprise!).  In particular, NCSA Telnet Version 2.2
obtained from will NOT work.  You need version 2.2D
available from omnigate.clarkson.edu.  You will find both the telnet
and ftp program in a file called


Ignore the note about untarring the file with special DOS-based
software.  I untarred the file (after using binary ftp to my UNIX box)
with the standard UNIX tar command.  I then downloaded telbin.exe and
ftpbin.exe using Kermit in binary mode and the programs ran fine.

(6) It is important to download the sample CONFIG.TEL file and to
customize it to reflect your set up.  Below is the configuration file
I use on a "network" consisting of only two machines, the PC (IP# and the SPARCstation (hostname casbs, IP#
You may want to start off simple and add features gradually.

Example CONFIG.TEL file for a two-node network:

#  Configuration file for Telnet 2.2D and 2.2TN                 #
#                                                               #
#   Version 2.2D enhancements developed at Clarkson University  #
#       1/26/89                                                 #
#               By Brad Clements                                #
#               Bugs to  bkc@omnigate.clarkson.edu              #
#                                                               #

myip=          #  xx.yy.zz.qq  - your IP address

netmask=     #  needed if not using BOOTP. 

arptime=10                # arp timeout in seconds
                          # affects machines on your local network

tek=no                    # yes to enable Tektronix emulation, otherwise No

video=auto                # video choices
                          #  auto  - automatically determines video type
                          #  cga
                          #  ega
                          #  hercules
                          #  pga
                          #  no9

bios=no                   # Bios=Yes->uses bios,bios=no->goes direct to screen
                          # If you have a snowy CGA, use bios=yes

                          # harware choices
                          #  3com         - 3com 3c501
                          #  3c523        - 3com 3c523
                          #  wd800        - Western Digitial 800E
                          #  nicpc        - 
                          #  nicps        -
                          #  ni5210       - Micom Interlan NI5210 card
                          #  packet       - FTP packet Driver spec 
                          # (currently only Ethernet class devices are 
                          #  supported)

interrupt=3               # hardware IRQ interrupt
address=0                 # base memory address or packet driver class
                          # if using packet driver (0 == default == ethernet)
                          # or class=6 for slip
ioaddr=060                # I/O address  or packet int vector if using packet
                          # driver
                          # If = 0 and packet driver, telbin looks for first
                          # packet driver found between 60H and 7FH

ftp=yes                   # yes to allow incoming FTP sessions, no otherwise
rcp=yes                   # Remote Copy, yes if you want to allow it
                          # otherwise No.

passfile="nul"            # name of file to find FTP passwords in
                          # if passfile="nul" you can only ftp into
                          # your machine if you use the internal FTP
                          # password, generated by pressing ALT-W
                          # if passfile points to a file that does not
                          # exist, you will not be able to ftp in to 
                          # your PC at all, even ALT-W will NOT work.


scrollback=100            # number of lines of scrollback per session
clearsave=yes             # save visible lines in scrollback when                          # clearing screen
erase=delete              # use delete code or backspace code for <- key?
                          # legal values are "delete" and "backspace"
vtwrap=yes                # line wrap
crmap=4.3BSDCRNUL         # map of the CR key for compatibility
duplex=half               # modifier for non-echo mode, forces send
                          # larger isn't always better

retrans=1                 # starting retransmit time out in ticks
                          # 1/18ths of sec MAX 100, min 1
mtu=1024                  # maximum transmit unit in bytes
                          # outgoing packet size, MAX=1500

maxseg=1024               # largest segment we can receive
                          # whatever the hardware can take, MAX=4096
rwin=2048                 # most bytes we can receive without ACK
                          # =TCP window size, MAX=4096

contime=20                # timeout in seconds to try connection
                          # before returning error to user

(7) After you have loaded the packet driver and have customized your
own version of the CONFIG.TEL file, run telnet with the command

    C:\> telbin -h config.tel remote_hostname

or get ftp going with 

    C:\> ftpbin -h config.tel remote_hostname

(8) If you run telbin, type ALT-h to view a summary of your options.

Hope this helps!

patrick goebel--romeo@lindy.stanford.edu