[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] Need info. on diskless PC protocols and vendors

larry@ogollum.UUCP (Larry Hybl) (07/24/90)

I am investigating diskless pc protocols and standards, to determine
which to support, and when, for UNIX servers.  We concentrate on
NFS and Lan Manager[/X] workgroup environments, both of which will operate on
Ethernet and IBM Token-Ring LANs.  OSI and TCP/IP transport protocols
will be used for both environments; LAN Manager/X will use the IBM NetBEUI
transport protocol as well.

I am aware of the following diskless PC protocols.  Please email if you have
additional information, such as the protocols supported by network adapter
vendors and diskless PCs vendors.

Also, opinions about which protocols make sense for each LAN and/or NOS
would be appreciated.  For example:

 - OSF DCE endorses the bootp/tftp, even though they also endorse Lan Man
   for file and print sharing.  Why not the LAN Man/IBM RPL protocols?

 - How about NFS world?  Is there a predominate protocol in use there?
   If so, is it LAN independent, i.e. is the same boot protocol used 
   for Ethernet and Token-Ring?

		  Diskless PC PROTOCOLS

  1. LAN Man 2.0/IBM Remote Program Load (RPL)

  2. Novell Remote Boot Service 
	   (is it based on RPL ?)

  3. 802.1E SLP  (system load protocol)
	   (does anyone implement it yet?)

  5.OSF DCE diskless PC protocols (bootp, tftp)

  4. SUN diskless workstation protocols 
	   (do they use bootp/tftp?)
Larry Hybl                              email: larry.hybl@Columbia.NCR.COM
NCR Corporation, E&M Columbia           VOICE: 632-6282 / (803) 791-6282
3325 Platt Springs Rd.                  FAX:   632-6998 / (803) 791-6998
West Columbia, S.C. 29169