[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] REPOST: NBA Netbios Broadcast Agent

bbaker@na.novell.com (Brad Baker) (07/27/90)

REPOST: In straight ascii file 1of2 (make+headers)

Sources for NBA  (OS2 and Unix)

Netbios Broadcast Agent
Effectively internets the Netbios Name service.

This program is useful for effectively combining netbios
networks that are separated on the internet.  
It could also be used to connect to a remote Unix SMB server
allowing for file and print services across the internet.
Written to the BSD 4.3 sockets interface.  It has been compiled
and run on 68XXX and SPARC Unix machines, as well as OS/2, with
no code changes. 

Necessary files are:

makefile 	(os2)
name.h		(os2,unix)
nba.h		(os2,unix)
nba.c		(os2,unix)

See the documentation header in nba.c for more extensive info.

#       makefile for OS/2 NBA
#       Definitions for MSC 5.1 Compiler
#       /c              -- compile only (suppress linking)
#       /A$(model)      -- Specifies memory model
#       /Gs2            -- Disable stack probes, use 286 instructions
#       /Zl             -- Remove default library info
#       /DOS2           -- OS/2 environment
#       /DDDL           -- use of DDL
#       /W3             -- Maximum warning level
# model can be = lfu - large code, far  data, SS != DS
#                lnu - large code, near data, SS != DS
#                sfu - small code, far  data, SS != DS
#                snu - small code, near data, SS != DS
# See MTDYNA.DOC for more details on this subject
# include paths - use multi-thread include files
INCLUDE=-I. -I$(TK_INCL) -I\msc51\include\mt
# libpaths should be set in the LIB environment string
XLNLIBS=bsd43.lib crtlib.lib
# compile flags
CFLAGS=  /c /A$(model) /Ox /Zli /Gs2 /DDLL /DDEBUG /DOS2 /W3 $(INCLUDE)
# link flags
LINKCMD=$(LFLAGS) $** + \xln\toolkit\os2lib\crtexe.obj,$@,$*.map,$(ALL_LIBS)

        cl $(CFLAGS) $*.c > $*.err

nba.obj:	nba.c	nba.h 	name.h

##### Link commands ######

nba: 	nba.obj
	link $(LINKCMD);
	markexe WINDOWCOMPAT nba.exe


        Copyright (C) 1990 Novell, Inc.
        This software may be freely copied and distributed, provided the 
        above copyright notice is included. It may not be sold, in whole
        or in part, without the prior written consent of Novell, Inc.


		NAME.H  header file for nba.c

#define	IP_DGRAM_SZ	576
#define	IP_HDR_SZ	20
#define	UDP_HDR_SZ	8
#define	SZ_MAXPKTDATA	576	/* maximum data in a packet */

 * Domain Name Packet Definitions

#define	NM_REG_REQ	0x2910
#define	NM_RES		0xad80
#define	NM_QRY		0x0110
#define	NM_QRY_RES	0x8500
#define NM_QRY_RES1	0x8580
#define	NODE_STATUS_REQ	0x0010
#define	NODE_STATUS_RES 0x8400
#define	NM_OVR_REQ	0x2810
#define	NM_RLS_REQ	0x3010
#define PKT_MSK		0xfdf0	/* Mask of bits used for packet type. */
#define RCODE_MSK	0x000f	/* Mask of bits used for rcode */

 * Mask values for NM_FLAGS. These values treat the fields,
 * OPCODE, NM_FLAGS, and RCODE as one word (16 bits).

#define	NS_BROADCAST	0x0001
#define	NS_RESRVD1	0x0002
#define	NS_RESRVD2	0x0004
#define	NS_RA		0x0008
#define	NS_RD		0x1000
#define	NS_TC		0x2000	/* truncation bit */
#define	NS_AA		0x4000

/* error codes for RCODE field in packet header */

#define	FMT_ERR	0x1	/* Invalidly Formatted Request */
#define	SRV_ERR	0x2	/* Server Failure */
#define	IMP_ERR	0x4	/* Unsupported Request */
#define	RFS_ERR	0x5	/* Registration Refusal */
#define	ACT_ERR	0x6	/* Active erroe, name is owned by another node. */
#define	CFT_ERR	0x7	/* Name is in conflict */

/* type values */

#define	NS_A		0x0100	/* IP address RR */
#define	NS_NS		0x0002	/* Name Server RR */
#define	NS_NB		0x0020	/* General Name Service RR */
#define	NS_NBSTAT	0x0021	/* Node Status RR */
#define	NS_NULL		0x000a	/* NULL RR - see WACK definition */
#define NS_IN		0x0001  /* Internet class */

/* values for NB_FLAG field in RR data */

#define NS_GROUP	0x8000	/* Group Bit, 1 == Group Netbios Name */
#define NS_MNODE	0x4000
#define NS_PNODE	0x2000
#define NS_DRG		0x1000
#define NS_BNODE	0x0000
#define NS_CNF		0x0800
#define NS_ACT		0x0400
#define NS_PRM		0x0200

/* masks for NB_FLAG field in name data entry */

#define NS_GROUPMSK	~0x8000	/* Group Name Flag */
#define NS_ONTMSK	~0x6000	/* Owner Node Type */
#define NS_STATEMSK	~0x1d00	/* Name State Bits */

 * Question Section trailer: preceded by a compressed Netbios name

struct quest_trailer {
    unsigned short type;
    unsigned short class;
}; /* 4 bytes long */

 * Resource Record trailer: preceded by a compressed Netbios name, followed
 * by a variable data section

struct rr_trailer {
    unsigned short  type;
    unsigned short  class;
    unsigned long ttl;
    unsigned short  length;
}; /* 10 bytes long */

struct rr_info {
    struct rr_trailer	trailer;
    unsigned short       flags;
    long 		 nbaddr;
}; /* 16 bytes long */

struct nmpkt_hdr {
    unsigned short nm_tid;	/* transaction id */
    unsigned short status;	/* opcode, flags, return code */
    unsigned short qdcount;	/* number of question entries */
    unsigned short ancount;	/* number of answer records */
    unsigned short nscount;	/* number of authority records */
    unsigned short arcount;	/* number of additional records */
}; /* 12 bytes long */

struct namepkt {
    struct nmpkt_hdr header;	
    unsigned char records[SZ_BUFFER - sizeof(struct nmpkt_hdr)];


        Copyright (C) 1990 Novell, Inc.
        This software may be freely copied and distributed, provided the 
        above copyright notice is included. It may not be sold, in whole
        or in part, without the prior written consent of Novell, Inc.


	 NBA.H   header file for nba.c


/******* "ignore" this stuff ******/
#ifndef FD_SET
#define	NBBY	8		/* number of bits in a byte */
 * Select uses bit masks of file descriptors in longs.
 * These macros manipulate such bit fields (the filesystem macros use chars).
 * FD_SETSIZE may be defined by the user, but the default here
 * should be >= NOFILE (param.h).
#ifndef	FD_SETSIZE
#define	FD_SETSIZE	32

typedef long	fd_mask;
#define NFDBITS	(sizeof(fd_mask) * NBBY)	/* bits per mask */
#ifndef howmany
#define	howmany(x, y)	(((x)+((y)-1))/(y))

#define	FD_SET(n, p)	((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] |= (1 << ((n) % NFDBITS)))
#define	FD_CLR(n, p)	((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] &= ~(1 << ((n) % NFDBITS)))
#define	FD_ISSET(n, p)	((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] & (1 << ((n) % NFDBITS)))
#define FD_ZERO(p)	bzero((char *)(p), sizeof(*(p)))
/**************** real stuff below here *****************/

typedef  	unsigned short 		USHORT;
typedef  	unsigned long  		ULONG;
typedef  	unsigned 				BOOL;

#define		TRUE						1
#define		FALSE 					0

#define 		NBA_WK_PORT  			3000   		/* an unassigned port */
#define 		BAQSIZE					100 
#define 		BAPKTLIFE    			5           /* packet life */
#define		SZ_NCBNAME				16
#define 		SOCKADDRSIZE  			sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)
#define 		AGENT_NAME_LEN 		11 
#define 		FILE_NAME_LEN  		80 

/* BA status codes */
#define 		BA_SEND					0
#define 		BA_REPLY 				1
#define 		BA_ERROR					-1

#define 		NS_RES_MASK				0x8000	/* mask for the NS response bit */

/* conversion macros */
	/* convert network order long to network order short */
#define 		NLtoNS(x)				htons((USHORT)ntohl(x)) 
	/* convert network order short to network order long */
#define 		NStoNL(x)				htonl((ULONG)ntohs(x))

struct ba_header {
	ULONG   	status;				/* command codes for BA agents */
	ULONG	  	time;					/* time stamp for packet expiration */
	ULONG 	ns_tid;				/* name service transaction id */
	ULONG 	ba_tid;				/* BA agent transaction id */
	ULONG  	host_addr;			/* BA agent address */
	ULONG 	client_addr;		/* NS client address   */
	ULONG 	client_port;		/* NS client port */
#define 		BAHEADERSIZE			sizeof(struct ba_header)

struct ba_pkt {
	struct 	ba_header baheader;
	struct 	namepkt   namepkt;
#define 		BAPKTSIZE				sizeof(struct ba_header) + SZ_BUFFER

bbaker@na.novell.com (Brad Baker) (07/27/90)

REPOST: In straight ascii file 2of2 (source)

Sources for NBA  (OS2 and Unix)

Netbios Broadcast Agent
Effectively internets the Netbios Name service.

This program is useful for effectively combining netbios
networks that are separated on the internet.  
It could also be used to connect to a remote Unix SMB server
allowing for file and print services across the internet.
Written to the BSD 4.3 sockets interface.  It has been compiled
and run on 68XXX and SPARC Unix machines, as well as OS/2, with
no code changes. 

The necessary files are:

makefile 	(os2)
name.h		(os2,unix)
nba.h		(os2,unix)
nba.c		(os2,unix)

See the documentation header in nba.c for more extensive info.


        Copyright (C) 1990 Novell, Inc.
        This software may be freely copied and distributed, provided the 
        above copyright notice is included. It may not be sold, in whole
        or in part, without the prior written consent of Novell, Inc.


        NBA.C  Netbios Broadcast Agent    by  Brad Baker

	This is SAMPLE source code, NOT a Novell product, 
        and will not be supported by the technical staff of Novell.


	This program provides an example of how to forward name service
  	broadcasts to remote netbios networks connected via gateways or
	routers which do not usually forward such packets.  It is designed
	to be run in either Server mode or Agent mode.
		Server mode requires that this program (NBA) be run on the local
	network. It receives netbios name query broadcasts (status=0x110) and
	replies with a query response (status=0x8500), if the query name and
	internet address entry is found in the HOSTS file.  No reply packet
	is sent if the name is not found in the HOSTS file.
		Agent mode involves running one NBA on the local net, and one on
	the remote network.  The local NBA receives broadcasts on the local
	network, saves pertinent packet information such as client address,
	port, transaction ID, etc., in a control block (header).  The
	packet is then prepended with the NBA header, and then forwarded to
	the remote NBA.  When it is received, the remote NBA strips off
	the header, saves (enqueues) the header, and then the original
	(de-encapsulated) netbios packet is broadcast on the remote network.
	When the remote NBA receive a reply, if at all, to the broadcast,
	the header information is dequeued based on the the transaction id of
	the reply packet.  The destination address, port, and tid of the
 	reply packet is then set to the (client) values stored in the
	dequeued NBA header and the resulting packet is sent (directed) back
	to the the client node which made the original broadcast.
		This forwarding of the broadcast and reply packets, in effect,
	internets the name service.


	*	NBA is written to be very portable.  It will run on 680xx
	        and Sparc Unix machines as well as 80286/386 OS2 machines and
		should be easily ported to DOS.

	*	This program makes extensive use of the HOSTS file.
		Entries must exist for BROADCAST, LOCALHOST, as well
		as any names requiring a response when running NBA in
		server mode.  If subnetting is in use on the network
		the BROADCAST address of the form WW.YY.0xff.0xff may
		not work on some BSD implementations.  In this case an
		appropriate subnet broadcast address should be used.
		A subnet broadcast address has the form:

         WW.XX.YY.ZZ   where

         WW.XX = the network portion address
            ZZ = the host portion address (all set)
            YY = for a node with a subnet mask of 0xfc, this
                 defines the upper 6 bits of the byte as the subnet
                 portion (set to the subnet value) and the lower
                 2 bits (both set) as part of the host portion.

         example:      subnet mask = 0xfc
                       network     = 0x82.0x39
                       broadcast on subnet 1 = 0x82.0x39.0x07.0xff

	*	In order to run NBA (port 137) on Unix requires	super-user privilige 
		The port value should only be changed during testing, and
		should always be 137 as this is the UDP name service port.

	*       When running NBA in server mode, entries in the HOSTS file
	        should be in upper case.

	*	Although an agent may receive NBA packets from any number
		of remote NBA agents, it will only forward broadcasts to one remote
		NBA agent.  In other words, an NBA will not simultaneously forward
		a packet to multiple remote NBA's.  This can be accomplished by
		running multiple NBA's on the local net (on different machines)
		each of which will receive broadcasts, but forward the packets to
		different remote agents/networks.


		* Change the queuing mechanism to a more dynamic one. At 
                  present the queue is a static array.
		* Make this program run as a detached process, TSR, or
  		  PM application with an improved user interface.
		* Provide for the support of multiple remote agents as described in
		  the LIMITATIONS section above.



		This program was built using Novell's Lan Workplace for OS/2 (BSD 4.3
		sockets), MSC 5.10, MS link 5.01.21, POLYTRON Polymake V3.1.


		C compiler


		required files are:  nba.c, nba.h, name.h, makefile(os2)

		unix> cc nba.c
		os2> make nba


		nba [[-d] [[-a]{ipaddr}] [[-p]{port}] [[-w]{wport}]]
	  	where 	ipaddr = the Internet Address of the remote NBA Agent.
		         port   = the port used for name service transactions.
		                  Default is 137 (UDP Name Service Port)
		         wkport = the "well known port" used for NBA
		                  transactions. Default is 3000
		         -d     = Debug flag.  Debug mode prints messages to


		runs in silent server mode, port 137

		>nba -d
		runs in debug server mode, port 137

		>nba -d -a130.50.5.115 -p2000 -w5000
		runs in agent mode (for testing), port 2000, NBA port 5000,
		forwarding broadcasts to the remote agent at address


#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "name.h"
#include "nba.h"
#ifdef OS2
#include <bsd43.h>

struct sockaddr_in sock = {AF_INET};
struct sockaddr_in bcast = {AF_INET};
struct sockaddr_in from = {AF_INET};
struct namepkt  nspkt;
struct ba_pkt   bapkt;
struct ba_header baheader;
struct ba_header baq[BAQSIZE];
struct hostent *host;
struct in_addr  inetaddr;
struct in_addr  inet_makeaddr();
ULONG           host_addr = 0L;
ULONG           bcast_addr = 0L;
ULONG           agent_addr = 0L;
ULONG           ipaddr;
ULONG           ipnet;
USHORT          baqindex = 0;
int             nspkt_size, bapkt_size;
USHORT          port = NAME_SERVICE_UDP_PORT;	/* the ns listen port */
USHORT          wkport = NBA_WK_PORT;	/* the ba listen port */
ULONG           batidx = 0;
int             len = sizeof(from);
int             debug = 0;
int             sig();
int             fd, fda;
char            myname[16];
char            othername[16];
BOOL            use_host_file = FALSE;
fd_set          sockset;

main(argc, argv)
	int             argc;
	char          **argv;
	char           *s;
	int             nfound;
	int             setres, optval;

	signal(SIGINT /* SIGHUP */ , sig);
	setbuf(stdout, 0);
	setbuf(stderr, 0);
	while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') {
		s = argv[0] + 1;
		switch (*s) {
		case 'd':
			debug = 1;
			fprintf(stderr, "debug enabled\n");
		case 'p':
			port = atoi(++s);
		case 'w':
			wkport = atoi(++s);
		case 'a':
#ifdef	OS2
			ipnet = inet_addr(++s);
			ipaddr = inet_network(s);
			ipaddr = htons((short) ipaddr);
			agent_addr = (ipaddr << 16) | ipnet;
			/* inetaddr = inet_makeaddr(ipnet,ipaddr);  */
			/* agent_addr = inetaddr.S_un.S_addr;		  */
			agent_addr = inet_addr(++s);
			fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s nba [[-d] [[-a]{ipaddr}] [[-p]{port}] [[-w]{wport}]]\n", argv[0]);

	if (!agent_addr)
		use_host_file = TRUE;

	/* get local network information */
	if (gethostname(myname, sizeof(myname) - 1)) {
		perror("nba: gethostname()");
	if (debug)
		fprintf(stderr, "nba: myname = %s\n", myname);
	if (strlen(myname) > 15) {
		fprintf(stderr, "nba: - name too long\n");
	host = gethostbyname(myname);
	if (host) {
		bcopy(host->h_addr, (char *) &host_addr, host->h_length);
	} else {
		perror("nba: gethostbyname() \n");

	if (debug)
		fprintf(stderr, "host_addr  :0x%lx\n", ntohl(host_addr));
	if (debug && (agent_addr))
		fprintf(stderr, "agent_addr :0x%lx\n", ntohl(agent_addr));

	/* get broadcast IP Address */
	host = gethostbyname("broadcast");
	if (host) {
		bcopy(host->h_addr, (char *) &bcast_addr, host->h_length);
	} else {
		perror("nba: gethostbyname() \n");

	cvt(myname);		/* convert to upper case */

	/* get and bind a socket for netbios name service */
	if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
		perror("nba: socket()");
	sock.sin_port = htons(port);
	sock.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = 0l;
	if (bind(fd, &sock, sizeof(sock)) < 0) {
		perror("nba: bind()");
	/* get and bind a socket for agent receive */
	if ((fda = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
		perror("nba: socket()");
	sock.sin_port = htons(wkport);
	sock.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = host_addr;
	if (bind(fda, &sock, sizeof(sock)) < 0) {
		perror("nba: bind()");
	/* process all Broadcast Repeater (BA) and Name Service (NS) packets */
	while (1) {
		FD_SET(fd, &sockset);
		FD_SET(fda, &sockset);
		/* wait for a pkt on one of the two sockets */
		if ((nfound = select(32, &sockset, NULL, NULL, NULL)) < 0) {
			perror("nba: select()");
		/* test for NS socket has data */
		if (FD_ISSET(fd, &sockset)) {
			process_ns();	/* process NS packets */
		/* test for BA socket has data */
		if (FD_ISSET(fda, &sockset)) {
			process_ba();	/* process BA packets */
}				/* ba */

 * process_ba() - process incoming BA agent packets

	int             i, chsent;

	/* read the socket */
	if ((bapkt_size = recvfrom(fda, &bapkt,
			      sizeof(struct ba_pkt), 0, &from, &len)) < 0) {
		perror("nba: recvfrom()");
	if (debug) {
		fprintf(stderr, "|-- NBA PKT -------------------------------\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "| size   = 0x%x\n", bapkt_size);
		fprintf(stderr, "| port   = 0x%x\n", ntohs(from.sin_port));
		fprintf(stderr, "| addr   = 0x%lx\n", ntohl(from.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr));
		fprintf(stderr, "|----------------------------------------\n");
	/* set up the agent tid and change the pkt tid */
	bapkt.baheader.ba_tid = htonl(++batidx);
	bapkt.namepkt.header.nm_tid = NLtoNS(bapkt.baheader.ba_tid);

	/* enqueue the header */
	while (baenq(&bapkt)) {
	};			/* keep trying until success (a header
				 * expires) */

	/* forward (broadcast) the packet to local net */
	sock.sin_port = htons(port);
	sock.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = bcast_addr;

	if ((chsent = sendto(fd, &bapkt.namepkt, (int) (bapkt_size - BAHEADERSIZE), 0,
			     &sock, SOCKADDRSIZE)) < 0) {
		perror("nba: sendto()");
	if (debug)
		fprintf(stderr, ">>> Broadcast 0x%x bytes to	Port:0x%x  Addr:0x%lx\n",
			chsent, ntohs(sock.sin_port), ntohl(sock.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr));

}				/* process_ba */

 * process_ns() - process incoming name service packets

	int             i, chsent;
	struct ba_header *phdr;

	/* read the socket */
	if ((nspkt_size = recvfrom(fd, &bapkt.namepkt,
			     sizeof(struct namepkt), 0, &from, &len)) < 0) {
		perror("nba: recvfrom()");
	/* if broadcast encapsulate the NS packet and send to BA agent */
	if (!(ntohs(bapkt.namepkt.header.status) & NS_RES_MASK)) {
		/* skip the broadcast if it came from this node */
		if (from.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr != host_addr) {

			if (debug) {
				fprintf(stderr, "|-- NETBIOS PKT --------------------------\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "| size = 0x%x\n", nspkt_size);
				fprintf(stderr, "| port = 0x%x\n", ntohs(from.sin_port));
				fprintf(stderr, "| addr = 0x%lx\n", ntohl(from.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr));
				fprintf(stderr, "| tid  = 0x%x\n", ntohs(bapkt.namepkt.header.nm_tid));
				fprintf(stderr, "| type = 0x%x\n", ntohs(bapkt.namepkt.header.status));
				fprintf(stderr, "|--------------------------------------\n");
			 * if we are running in server mode process the pkt
			 * locally
			if (use_host_file) {
			/* set up the baheader */
			baheader.client_addr = from.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
			baheader.client_port = NStoNL(from.sin_port);
			baheader.host_addr = host_addr;
			baheader.ns_tid = NStoNL(bapkt.namepkt.header.nm_tid);

			 * prepend the packet (in bapkt.namepkt) with the
			 * baheader
			bcopy((char *) &baheader, (char *) &bapkt, BAHEADERSIZE);

			/* send the packet to the other agent */
			sock.sin_port = htons(wkport);	/* BA "well known" port */
			sock.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = agent_addr;	/* BA agent address     */

			if ((chsent = sendto(fd, &bapkt, (int) (nspkt_size + BAHEADERSIZE), 0,
					     &sock, SOCKADDRSIZE)) < 0) {
				perror("nba: sendto()");
			if (debug)
				fprintf(stderr, ">>> Sent 0x%x bytes to	Port:0x%x  Addr:0x%lx\n",
					chsent, ntohs(sock.sin_port), ntohl(sock.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr));
	/* not a broadcast. Lookup in the queue, set up reply pkt if found */
	else {
		if (debug) {
			fprintf(stderr, "|-- NETBIOS PKT --------------------------\n");
			fprintf(stderr, "| size = 0x%x\n", nspkt_size);
			fprintf(stderr, "| port = 0x%x\n", ntohs(from.sin_port));
			fprintf(stderr, "| addr = 0x%lx\n", ntohl(from.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr));
			fprintf(stderr, "| tid  = 0x%x\n", ntohs(bapkt.namepkt.header.nm_tid));
			fprintf(stderr, "| type = 0x%x\n", ntohs(bapkt.namepkt.header.status));
			fprintf(stderr, "|--------------------------------------\n");
		/* dequeue based on the nm_tid */
		if (!(badeq(NStoNL(bapkt.namepkt.header.nm_tid), &bapkt))) {

			/* restore the pkt tid */
			bapkt.namepkt.header.nm_tid = NLtoNS(bapkt.baheader.ns_tid);

			/* send the packet to the remote client */
			sock.sin_port = NLtoNS(bapkt.baheader.client_port);
			sock.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = bapkt.baheader.client_addr;

			if ((chsent = sendto(fd, &bapkt.namepkt, nspkt_size, 0,
					     &sock, SOCKADDRSIZE)) < 0) {
				perror("nba: sendto()");
			if (debug)
				fprintf(stderr, ">>> Sent 0x%x bytes to	Port:0x%x  Addr:0x%lx\n",
					chsent, ntohs(sock.sin_port), ntohl(sock.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr));
}				/* process_ns */

 * baenq - enqueue a BA header. returns: 0 if success At present the queue is
 * just an array of headers.
	struct ba_header *header;
	int             i;
	ULONG           t;

	/* place the header at an empty (expired) location */
	for (i = 0; i < BAQSIZE; i++) {
		if ((t - baq[i].time) > BAPKTLIFE) {
			bcopy((char *) header, (char *) &baq[i], BAHEADERSIZE);
			baq[i].time = t;	/* time stamp the header */
			return (0);

	if (debug)
		fprintf(stderr, "XXX Queue full.\n");

	return (1);

 * badeq - dequeue a baheader based on a BATID returns: 0 if success At
 * present the queue is just an array of headers.
badeq(tid, header)
	ULONG           tid;
	struct ba_header *header;
	int             i;
	ULONG           t;

	/* search for header ba_tid matching the tid */
	for (i = 0; i < BAQSIZE; i++) {
		/* skip the dead ones */
		if ((t - baq[i].time) < BAPKTLIFE) {
			if (baq[i].ba_tid == tid) {
				bcopy((char *) header, (char *) &baq[i], BAHEADERSIZE);
				return (0);

	if (debug)
		fprintf(stderr, "XXX Header not found.\n");

	return (1);

 * cvt - convert MYNAME to upper case

	char           *src;
	int             i;

	for (i = 0; i < strlen(src); i++) {
		if (isalpha(src[i]))
			src[i] = toupper(src[i]);

	/* fill with blanks */

	for (; i <= 15; i++)
		src[i] = ' ';

 * sig - signal handling

#ifdef OS2

 * dns2nb - convert DNS name to NETBIOS name

dns2nb(dnsp, nbp)
	char           *dnsp;	/* ptr to a DNS name */
	char           *nbp;	/* ptr to a 16 byte buffer */

	unsigned char   idx;
	unsigned char   left;
	unsigned char   right;

	 * a compressed Netbios name is always 32 bytes long, so we can loop
	 * for a fixed amount, as long as the initial length byte is skipped

	for (dnsp++, idx = 0; (idx < SZ_NCBNAME); idx++, nbp++) {
		left = (*dnsp++ - 'A') << 4;
		right = (*dnsp++ - 'A');
		*nbp = left + right;
}				/* end dns2nb() */

 * nb2dns - convert NETBIOS name to DNS (first level encoded) name

nb2dns(nbp, dnsp)
	char           *dnsp;	/* ptr to a 32 byte DNS name */
	char           *nbp;	/* ptr to a 16 byte buffer */

	unsigned char   idx;
	unsigned char   left;
	unsigned char   right;

	for (idx = 0; (idx < SZ_NCBNAME); idx++, nbp++, dnsp++) {
		*dnsp = (*nbp >> 4) + 'A';
		*(++dnsp) = (*nbp & 0x0f) + 'A';
}				/* end dns2nb() */

 * respond_local - look up name in the hosts file and respond to the query if
 * found.

	struct namepkt *nspkt;

	char            nbname[16];
	char            temp[17];
	char           *chp;
	struct rr_trailer *trailer;
	struct rr_info *info;
	int             count;

	dns2nb(nspkt->records, nbname);

	/* strip the trailing spaces (null terminate it) */
	for (chp = nbname; isalpha(*chp); chp++);
	*chp = 0;

	if (debug)
		fprintf(stderr, "Hosts file look-up of \"%s\" \n", nbname);

	/* get the address from the hosts file */
	host = gethostbyname(nbname);

	if (host) {
		if (debug)
			fprintf(stderr, "Address found : 0x%lx\n",
				ntohl(*(long *) host->h_addr));

		trailer = (struct rr_trailer *) ((char *) nspkt + nspkt_size - 4);
		nspkt->header.status = htons(NM_QRY_RES);
		nspkt->header.qdcount = 0;
		nspkt->header.ancount = htons(1);
		trailer->ttl = htons(1);
		trailer->length = htons(6);
		info = (struct rr_info *) trailer;
		info->flags = 0;
		info->nbaddr = ntohl(*(long *) host->h_addr);

		/* send the response packet (back) to the client */
		if ((count = sendto(fd, nspkt,
				    nspkt_size + sizeof(struct rr_info) - 4,
				  0, &from, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) < 0) {
			perror("nsd: sendto()");
		if (debug)
			fprintf(stderr, ">>> Sent 0x%x bytes to	Port:0x%x  Addr:0x%lx\n",
				count, ntohs(from.sin_port), ntohl(from.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr));

	} else {		/* gethostbyname() failed */
		if (debug)
			fprintf(stderr, "Address not found.\n");