[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] PD Version Numbers

XBR2D96D@DDATHD21.BITNET (Knobi der Rechnerschrat) (08/16/90)


  what is the newest RELEASE Number of the packet-drivers and what
is the number of the newest TEST-RELEASE (and where can I get that,
since 7.0a disappeared from sun.soe.clarkson.edu:pub/ka9q)?


Martin Knoblauch


nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Russ Nelson) (08/17/90)

In article <9008160029.aa05048@louie.udel.edu> XBR2D96D@DDATHD21.BITNET (Knobi der Rechnerschrat) writes:

     what is the newest RELEASE Number of the packet-drivers and what
   is the number of the newest TEST-RELEASE (and where can I get that,
   since 7.0a disappeared from sun.soe.clarkson.edu:pub/ka9q)?

The current release is 6.x:
The second alpha test of 7.x:

--russ (nelson@clutx [.bitnet | .clarkson.edu])  Russ.Nelson@$315.268.6667
We won the cold war.  The Russians spent trillions defending their stuff,
then they found that they didn't have any stuff.  Will we avoid the same trap?