jb@falstaff.mae.cwru.edu (Jim Berilla) (09/13/90)
The CUTE version of NCSA telnet is from Clarkson University, and can be gotten by anonymous ftp from omnigate.clarkson.edu. It works great. As far as I can tell, the good stuff in the new version of NCSA telnet came from modifications made by Clarkson to the original NCSA program. They've done a good job on this. The package that runs on top of pc-nfs is in file /pub/cutcp/v2.2-A/pc-nfs.cutcp.zoo A pc program to un-zoo the archive is /pub/cutcp/zoo201.exe The only problem I've found that really annoys me is that sometimes ^C isn't passed on, but terminates the Telnet program. This happens every few days, and I use this program 5-6 hours per day, so it's not too much of a problem. Brad Clements at Clarkson tells me that the university has instituted a new Patent Policy, which no one really knows how to apply, so they can't give out the source until the matter is resolved. -- Jim Berilla / jb@falstaff.cwru.edu / 216-368-6776 "My opinions are my own, except on Wednesday mornings at 9 AM, when my opinions are those of my boss."