[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] DesqView/Windows3.0 and Packet Drivers - A Modest Proposal :-)

PIRARD%vm1.ulg.ac.be@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (Andr'e PIRARD) (09/15/90)

On Thu, 13 Sep 90 11:35:10 PDT you said:
>        Application 1                     Application 2
>              |                                 |
>      Virtual PD Interface             Virtual PD Interface
>               \                               /
>                \         PD MultiPlexor      /
>                 \             |             /
>                  \--- Windows/DesqView  ---/
>                               |
>                         Packet Driver
>                               |
>                            HardWare

Your idea is the dream of any DESQview or Windows user.
Unhappily, this scheme only works for different protocol stacks.
Too bad.
What would be really needed is "Socket Driver" at the place of packet.
But, as you say, that would change the software.
Unless someone invents a clever trickery to avoid TCP ports conflicts etc...

This said, your scheme would be simpler as follows:

        Application 1                     Application 2
              |                                 |
               \                               /
                \          ??? Driver         /
                 \             |             /
                  \--- Windows/DesqView  ---/
                          PD MultiPlexor

As far as DESQview is concerned, few PDs would resist long running in a
private address space (see DESQVIEW.DOC in PD distribution). And, in any
case they can be moved to (more precious) common memory if they do.
Windows, I can't tell.

Real good luck, anyone. It would be a great job!

Andr'e PIRARD             SEGI, Univ. de Li`ege
B26 - Sart Tilman         B-4000 Li`ege 1 (Belgium)
pirard@vm1.ulg.ac.be  or  PIRARD@BLIULG11 on EARN/BITNET