[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] Installing a 3.5" driver in Leading Edge model-?? computer

tsai@milton.u.washington.edu (Men-Shen Tsai) (10/01/90)

My friend has a Leading Edge model-?? computer. It is a 286 machine equipped
with 30 MB hard driver.  Receltly, she would like to install a 3.5" floppy
disk driver into her machine.  I checked the setup program and found out that
BIOS only supports 360kB and 1.2MB FDD. Is there any one on the net who knows
how to install a 3.5" FDD without changing the hardware configuration.  BTW,
she bought her computer back to 1986.

Thanks in advance.

Men-Shen Tsai

E-Mail: tsai@milton.u.washington.edu

RVGC2@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU ("Ken Wieringo rvgc2@vtvm1.bitnet") (10/04/90)

you probably can install a half height 3.5" drive that is a 720m unit,
in place of the 360 5.25" unit. Inside the computer you should find a ribbon
 cable with two female connectors on it and one is A and one is B drive.
 Can't tell you for sure but most floppy driver cards support two drives.
 Just watch out for how much power the drives consume from the power supply.
 Leading Edge that old may not be a 286 machine and the p.s. is not very
 large( many watts)  Any hoo I believe it can be done.

SYST8107@RYERSON.BITNET (Ken Woo) (10/04/90)

There is a utility that would allow your PC-AT to handle 1.44Mb/720Kb, 3.5"
floppy disks without having to change your hardware.

The company is called Bastech
                      7525 Ethel Ave., Suite M,
                      North Hollywood, CA 91605

I've used it myself and am satisfied with the results.

The other possiblity is to replace the BIOS with a new one from Phoenix,
AMI or AWARD.  That way you don't have to worry about your hard disk crashing
and not being able to load the drivers for the above utility.

Tim Sesow@UCBVAX.BERKELEY.EDU (10/05/90)

In Reply to Message of Mon, 1 Oct 90 04:28:39 GMT from <pcip-request@UDEL.EDU>Message-Id:  <9010032105.aa16985@louie.udel.edu>

I recently upgraded a standard IBM PC to 3.5 inch and 5.25 inch
floppy drives (1.44M and 1.2M respectively).  To accomplish this
I purchased a new controller card from Soft Warehouse for about
$39.  The existing BIOS did not support these drives and would 
not recognize them (I tried first); but the new board supplemented
the BIOS and recognizes all four types  of PC floppy drives.
So far it works quite well.