[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] Remote control of PC with PC-NFS

peterh@gollum.uio.no (Peter Hausken) (10/12/90)

Does anyone have a good solution to how to be able get control over
PC's running PC-NFS. What I want is something like the functionality
of NetOp, NetWork Eye and similar programs using NETBIOS over TCP/IP.
We approaching 1000 PC's running PC-NFS and it would be very convenient
to be able to do things like configuring etc. of the machines from my
office instead of running around campus and half the city to do simple
things. Anyone got a sollution?

    ///////  //  //   Peter Hausken, University of Oslo
   //   //  //  //    PB. 1059, Blindern, N-0316 OSLO 3, Norway
  ///////  //////     Voice: +47-2-453524 Fax: +47-2-455770
 //       //  //      Internet: Peter.Hausken@USE.UiO.NO  (peterh@ifi.uio.no)
//       //  //       X.400 SA: G=Peter;S=Hausken;OU=USE;O=UiO;P=UNINETT;C=NO