[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] Little Black box needed...

lance@unigold.UUCP (Lance Ellinghouse) (11/10/90)

I am looking for information about a product that will allow me to
hang serial/parallel printers off of Thin Ether.
Idealy it would be a box that would allow me to open one connection
at a time and send it data with maybe it responding with err messages
if anything goes wrong while sending data.
Nothing fancy. NOT a PC running as a printer server PLEASE!

I am looking at hanging 5-6 Laser Printers off of them...

This information is needed ASAP!!! Please e-mail or call me voice!!

Thank you!

|Lance Ellinghouse                          |
|E-mail: lance@unigold.uucp                 |
|        lance@unigold.sr.com               |
|        hermix!unigold!lance@anes.ucla.edu |
|Voice: 818-700-0000                        |