[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] cc:Mail SMTP gateway?

jesper@diku.dk (Jesper L. Lauritsen) (11/16/90)

I seem to recall that there has been som talk of a SMTP gateway from cc:Mail
on this group (or was it some other group?)
However the exclusive Danish importer of cc:Mail says no such beast exists.
Am my memory inventing this (it has done so before :-).
While I'm at it, does anybody has the snail address of the company who makes
cc:Mail? And a non-800 phone number?
Please reply by mail as this is probably of limited interest to the whole
group. Thanks in advance.


Jesper L. Lauritsen, systems programmer
U. of Copenhagen, Center for Applied Datalogy
Studiestraede 6, DK-1455 Copenhagen K, Denmark
domain addr: ibtjll@vm.ibt.dk; EARN/BITNET: IBTJLL AT DKIBT