(Gery Dueck) (11/22/90)
Our university has a room full of Macs on a MacJanet/localtalk network. If we had a localtalk to ethernet bridge such as Fastpath or Webster, what software should we run to provide telnet and ftp facilities on the Macs? We would prefer to look first at free software, with sources. FTP site-references are welcome. We also have a PC with a localtalk card. I believe there is a packet driver that will interface with the localtalk PC driver. Is there a way to use the PC as a bridge to ethernet? Again, we would prefer to look at free software, with sources. Please email directly. If there is a large reponse I will summarize to the net. Thank you in advance for your sggestions. Gery Dueck Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada