[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] PC/NFS Telnet and PC/Uniplex

karen@comp.vuw.ac.nz (Karen Turner) (12/15/90)


I am trying to set up PC/Uniplex to connect to a unix host.  PC/Uniplex uses
PC/NFS and the telnet that comes with it. 

Apparently the use of PC/NFS telnet is hardcoded in.  PC/Uniplex uses a
program called telex to interface to telnet.  Telex gives a user the ability
to select an option from the Uniplex menu and automatically fire up an
application on the host without having to type their user code and password
in. (The user code and password are entered when the user originally creates
the menu option.)  I have heard that a PC can run PC/NFS and NCSA telnet
concurrently so I wonder if telex would cope with NCSA telnet. If it did maybe
that would solve some of the problems below?

1. The PC is set up with a blue background and white foreground. I would like
to be able to keep this setup when logged on to the unix box. However PC/NFS
telnet resets the colours to white on black. Is there away around this?

2. The top row of function keys on the PC keyboard are causing problems. If
one starts telnet from the DOS prompt the keys produced <esc>OP type
sequences.  However if one connects to the unix box using PC/Uniplex (which
calls telex) the function keys are set to use <esc>Oq type sequences. I have
not been able to reprogram the function keys by sending esc sequences to the
PC when logged on the unix.  I asked our Uniplex dealer and got told it wasn't
possible. This doesn't then explain the different key sequences produced when
logging on in the different ways - unless telex doesn't call telnet.

3. Telex appears to send extra characters down to the unix host. The symptoms
are 1. that when the menu appears the cursor is on the second option on the
unix Uniplex menu and 2. if the the PC/Uniplex connection is used to fire up a
different application on the host the application (this happens to be
EaseMenu) it complains about illegal input. Is there a way to stop this?
PC/Uniplex has configuration files for the connections however these are
encoded so I can't see what is being sent to the host.

Thanks for any light you may be able to shed on the above.

'So long and thanks for all the fish'                     - Douglas Adams
