[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] NCSA + Novell

ctw@aero.org (Charles T. Wolverton) (01/08/91)

Here's a variation on the FAQ "How can I get TCP/IP and Novell to work
at the same time" - viz., "How ARE we getting them to work??"

We are using a native (i.e., non-CMU/PD) IPX module talking
directly to a 3C501. We are also using NCSA Telnet with the
direct-to-the-card config (i.e., again, no PD). After carefully
explaining to a colleague why, due to contention for the H/W IRQ used
by the network card, he wouldn't be able to get Novell and NCSA Telnet 
to work simultaneously without a PD and the appropriate IPX-for-the-PD
module, he proceeded to ignore this "wisdom" and load the Novell stack
followed by the NCSA Telnet - works like a charm, apparently.
(Specifically, he can log  onto the Novell server, do some Telnet
stuff, close the Telnet session, and the network drives are still there.)
My assumption was that NCSA Telnet would grab the interrupt so that
the IPX would be history.

Hence, the question "Why does this work?? Does the NCSA Telnet do
its own IRQ mux'ing?? or some other cleverness?? Or am I just way off
base in my concept of what's going on??

(We also tried FTP'ing to the network drive - that DID bomb the
machine as I would have expected.)


***  Charles T. Wolverton    *****  Aerospace Corporation  ***
***  ctw@aero.org            *****  P.O. Box 92957  M1-023 ***
***  (213) 336-5204          *****  Los Angeles, CA 90009  ***

dzoey@TERMINUS.UMD.EDU (01/08/91)

Your question is basically: "Why can I share a 3C501 card among
non-cooperating applications when this behavior hangs other network

The reason you can (sort of) share a 3C501 is that there is almost
no state kept on the card.  This makes it very easy for a second application
to take over the card transparently from the first application 
without forcing a lot of state saving to avoid changing the first applications

The 3C501 can do this because it is a very simple card.  No buffering, no
scatter-gather i/o.

I wrote (sort of) above because while applications can take turns using
the card, I'm not sure two application can really share the card.  That
is, you may be able to load telnet off your novell network, but I don't
think you could ftp a file to the novell drive.  I may be wrong though
as I haven't tried this.  

So, yes, it works for a 3C501, but the 3C501 is so slow and loses so
many packets that you're usually better off getting a more recent generation
card and using one of the many standard card sharing specs.

			Joe Herman
			U. of Md.


jbvb@FTP.COM ("James B. Van Bokkelen") (01/09/91)

    We are using a native (i.e., non-CMU/PD) IPX module talking
    directly to a 3C501. We are also using NCSA Telnet with the
    direct-to-the-card config (i.e., again, no PD). After carefully
    explaining to a colleague why, due to contention for the H/W IRQ used
    by the network card, he wouldn't be able to get Novell and NCSA Telnet 
    to work simultaneously without a PD and the appropriate IPX-for-the-PD
    module, he proceeded to ignore this "wisdom" and load the Novell stack
    followed by the NCSA Telnet - works like a charm, apparently.
    Hence, the question "Why does this work?? 

The magic word is "3C501".  First, it has very little on-board state
(compared to something that uses an 8390 or 82586 LAN controller chip). 
This makes it much more likely that the two drivers initialize it the
same way.  Second, the card exists in various versions, and some (at
least) had quirks (to be charitable).  If a 3C501 acts odd, or you don't
see traffic for a while, the first reflex action taken is to reset it.
In our "Compatibility Sheet", we note that PC/TCP has this kind of "cold
war" coexistence with many kinds of software when using the 3C501...

James B. VanBokkelen		26 Princess St., Wakefield, MA  01880
FTP Software Inc.		voice: (617) 246-0900  fax: (617) 246-0901