[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] Novell and TCP/IP

geoff@eagle_snax.UUCP ( R.H. coast near the top) (08/23/88)

In addition to the Excelan, Micom/Interlan and Wollongong
solutions to Novell+TCP/IP coexistence, BICC supports
PC-NFS and Novell on their card. (They are OEMs for both
PC-NFS and NetWare.) I saw it running last time I was
in England, and it's pretty seamless (FTP to/from local,
Novell or NFS drive, copy between drives, etc. with or without
Telnet in the background).
Geoff Arnold, Sun Microsystems     | A disclaimer???! With temperatures in
PC Distrib. Sys. (home of PC-NFS)  | the upper 90s and high humidity?! You've
UUCP:{hplabs,decwrl...}!sun!garnold| got to be kidding!!!!
ARPA:geoff@sun.com                 |

dcrocker@TWG.COM (Dave Crocker) (08/24/88)

The clarification about Micom/Interlan put their protocols -- on the gateway
pc vs. on a board attached to the gateway -- is, of course, correct.  Micom
uses an on-board processor with the protocols running on the card, attached to
the gateway pc and the ethernet.  As I understand their implementation, they
provide a berkeley-like sockets interface at the various PCs on the Novell
network.  (The pcs talk with the gateway over Netbios Session connections.)

Leo McLaughlin's note was trying to distinguish the pc/gateway differences
between the Micom and Wollongong products.  Relative to that topic, Micom's
approach does put the protocols "on the gateway".  I.e., the intelligent
card is part of the gateway.  The primary point was that the Wollongong
approach puts the protocols, particularly TCP, on the individual users'
pcs and the gateway is simply a pure IP router, albeit with an unusual
link-level protocol (currently netbios datagrams and soon Novell's ipx)
for one of its sub-networks.

The technical effects of our architecture are to make each pc a true
tcp/ip host, remove any limitation to the number of pcs that may be
simultaneously active -- as I understand it, the Micom approach limits you
to 32, whereas the Wollongong approach is limited only by the computational
and data-copying performance of the gateway pc -- and gives true end-to-end
reliability, since the tcp checksum is at the user's host, rather than at
the gateway.  There may also be some per-connection performance differences,
but we have not certified this, yet.

Dave Crocker
VP, Engineering
The Wollongong Group

german@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (08/27/88)

Does anyone have any pricing information on each of the these products
for TCP/IP on Novell networks?


I am interested in the pricing per node.  Thanks,

         Greg German (german@uxc.CSO.UIUC.EDU) (217-333-8293)
US Mail: Univ of Illinois, CSO, 1304 W Springfield Ave, Urbana, IL  61801
Office:  129s Digital Computer Lab.

sarahg@MERIT.EDU (Sarah Gray) (01/08/91)

    I have seen several documents which talk about using Novell Netware
and TCP/IP on the same network card--but all of them are about Netware
286.  We're using Netware 386.  Does anyone have any experience with
this?  Do any programs use ODI?

acmeng@RELAY.PROTEON.COM (01/08/91)

     I have seen several documents which talk about using Novell
     Netware and TCP/IP on the same network card--but all of them are
     about Netware 286.  We're using Netware 386.  Does anyone have
     any experience with this?  Do any programs use ODI?

All the workstation stuff is the same for 286 and 386 Netware.  Thus
what you read will work with either.  Be sure to use the latest
ipx.obj and net3 (or netx).

        -Alan Marshall, Proteon
            CCMAIL: acm at proteonwebo   tel: (508)898-2120
            INTERNET: acm@Proteon.com    MHS: acm @ ProteonW

jbvb@FTP.COM ("James B. Van Bokkelen") (01/09/91)

        I have seen several documents which talk about using Novell Netware
    and TCP/IP on the same network card--but all of them are about Netware
    286.  We're using Netware 386.  Does anyone have any experience with
    this?  Do any programs use ODI?

Novell promised to develop a "Packet Driver MLID" at a conference this
summer, but I don't know when/if it will hit the streets. I am also
aware of efforts outside Novell to do "Netware over NDIS", but they
aren't in production.  There aren't many ODI drivers out yet, but
Leo announced that Wollongong had TCP/IP support for them some time
back.  The ODI spec itself isn't suitable for sharing an 802.5 interface
between TCP/IP and Netware, so there'll have to be another solution anyway...

James B. VanBokkelen		26 Princess St., Wakefield, MA  01880
FTP Software Inc.		voice: (617) 246-0900  fax: (617) 246-0901

sarahg@MERIT.EDU (Sarah Gray) (01/09/91)

    The documents I have refer to the 2.15 shell generator, and we have
the 3.01 shell generator.  Do you know of any documents that refer to
the newer one?  Thanks.

> All the workstation stuff is the same for 286 and 386 Netware.  Thus
> what you read will work with either.  Be sure to use the latest
> ipx.obj and net3 (or netx).

>         -Alan Marshall, Proteon
>             CCMAIL: acm at proteonwebo   tel: (508)898-2120
>             INTERNET: acm@Proteon.com    MHS: acm @ ProteonW

maria@FTP.COM (Maria Vasilakis) (01/09/91)

>        I have seen several documents which talk about using Novell Netware
>    and TCP/IP on the same network card--but all of them are about Netware
>    286.  We're using Netware 386.  Does anyone have any experience with
>    this?  Do any programs use ODI?
Hi Sarah,

At this time, we do not support ODI.

Here is some information on Netware 386 plus some additional
information you might find helpful. 


PCTCP with Novell Netware 386:

The System Administrator must configure the Novell Server frame type 
to accept TCP/IP packets.

To do this you must modify the frame type.  This is done by loading
the LAN driver.  Select Ethernet_II as the frame type.  

		Example:  FRAME=Ethernet_II

(Also, see the section on Ethernet frame types on pages 147-8 of the 
NetWare 386 Systems Administration manual.)

The above example will work for machines that are running PCTCP and
Netware 386.  If you also have PC's in the Novell network that only 
run Netware 386 then you must add an additional frame type.  Select 
Ethernet_802.3 as the second frame type.

		Example:  FRAME=Ethernet_802.3

(Also, see the section on loading more than one LAN driver on pages 
175-6 of the NetWare 386 Systems Administration manual.) 

After you have modified the frame type and entered in any other 
parameters as specified by Novell, you must bind the LAN drivers to
a communication protocol.  

		Example:  BIND ipx TO 3c503

In this example the computer will display the LAN drivers that have been 
configured, by frame type.  It will then prompt you for which driver you
want to bind.  Choose the driver you wish to bind.  It will then prompt
you for the unique network number for the cabling system.  Enter the 
appropriate number.

(Also, see the section on the BIND command on pages 21-25 of the NetWare 
386 Systems Administration manual.)


   The new version of the packet drivers (version 7.1.1) from Clarkson 
University come with three options -n, -w and -d.  

1. If the packet driver is loaded with -n option then the packets generated 
are standard novell packets and not type 8137 packets.  This has several 
advantages.  You do not have to econfigure you server any more.  All you must
do is load the packet driver with the -n option.  Thus, if you are running a
network where some machines have Novell and TCP/IP and other machines only
have Novell, then you only need one card in the Netware 286 server instead of 
the two that you would need before.  This procedure will also work with 
Netware 386 servers.

2. The -w option in the packet driver is used for windows.   If the packet 
driver is loaded before starting windows you can have TCP/IP and novell 
running in windows.  This option was tested with our new VXD driver for 
windows 3.0 that will be available in the newer version.  You can have  
more than one PC/TCP application as well as a novell session running in 

3. The -d loads the default configuration for the packet driver.

Please look at the file HOWTOGET.IT in the Clarkson.ext subdirectory for
information on how to get the new packet drivers.

To install PC/TCP generic ethernet with Novell Netware.

1. 	Run the install program on Disk #1.  Answer all questions.  These 
	questions will define your configuration.

2. 	Enter these 2 statments in your config.sys file:

3. 	Reboot your P.C. so changes became permanent.

4. 	Find the packet driver that matches your card.  The packet drivers 
	are loacated on Unsupported Software Disk A.  They are in one of 
	two subdirectories:

	clarkson.ext and clarkson.bas.

5.	Load the packet driver.  Various parameters must be specified so that
	they packet driver will load properly.  The packet driver uses a 
	software interupt number, a hardware interupt number and base io 
	addresse most often as parameters.  The parameters that your card 
	requires are outlined in Appendix B of the Installation Guide or in a 
	file called drivers.doc in the clarkson.ext directory.


	If you had a wd8003 card the packet driver is wd8003e.com.  If you
	type wd8003e (enter) a usage message for the packet driver will 
	appear.  You load the packet driver as follows:
	wd8003e 0x60 3 0x280 0xd000

	The packet int no is most any number from 0x60 to 0x7F.  The kernel 
	uses 0x61 so don't choose that value.  Consult Appendix B of the 
	Installation Guide for other packet int values that you should not 
	use.  The next three numbers are the hardware interrupt number, the
	base io address and the base memory address.  All three values are
	set by jumpers on the card or by software that comes with the card.

6. 	Generate the ipx shell for the packet driver interface.
	In the byu directory on the Unsupported Software Disk A is a file 
	called novell.exe.  Running this program will unarchive a number of 
	.obj and .lan files.  Copy all the .obj and .lan files to a directory 
	called lan_drv_.001.  

	Execute shgen.exe and choose "Custom Configuration."  After entering 
	your drive choice, choose "Select Shell Configuration."  Next choose 
	"Select Lan Driver" and choose the entry for the packet driver.  It 
	should look something like this:

	Packet Driver V2.01 (890427) BYU Copyright 1989

	Press the ESC key to save it this value and the go to "Configure 
	Driver / Resources."  Review the configuration.  It will look 
	something like this:

	LAN Driver: Packet Driver V2.01 (890427) BYU Copyright 1989
	       Option 0: Packet Driver Interface. Find Interrupt.

	Once you you have returned to the "Available Options" Menu, then 
	choose "Save Selections and Continue."  Next, choose "Link 
	Netware Shell."  After the netware shell is linked then choose
	"Exit SHGEN."  It should ask you if you want to download the 
	ipx.com file to a floppy disk.  Do so.

7. 	You then load the packet driver, the ipx shell and net3 or net4 
	depending your version of MS-DOS.  Next load the kernel, ethdrv.exe.
	You are done with the client side of the network.

8. 	For the server to understand the 8137 packets that you are generating
	by using the packet driver you must econfig your Novell 286 server. To
	do this you login as supervisor on the server and go to the system 
	directory.  There you must run the program NET$OS.EXE.  It will ask 
	you which card you want to configure.  If you have only one card, then
	you can econfigure that card but all of the workstations will have to 
	use the shell generated for the packet driver interface.  You must 
	then reboot the server.  

	If you have two cards in your server you can econfigure one card and  
	leave the other card alone.  

	Version 7.1 of the Clarkson packet drivers have a switch (-n) that
	allows you to use the packet driver without econfiging your server.
	If the packet driver is loaded with -n option then the packets 
	generated are standard novell packets and not type 8137 packets.  
	Thus, all you need is one card in your server.

acmeng@RELAY.PROTEON.COM (01/09/91)


     The documents I have refer to the 2.15 shell generator, and we
     have the 3.01 shell generator.  Do you know of any documents that
     refer to the newer one?  Thanks.

The 3.01 shell generator is just the executables that are fixed to
work with Windows 3.0.  They work the same (with the addition of the
'read.me' stuff) as the 2.15 counterparts so the documentation should
be the same.  If you have any problems with this you can email me and
I'll help you get them working.

        -Alan Marshall, Proteon
            CCMAIL: acm at proteonwebo   tel: (508)898-2120
            INTERNET: acm@Proteon.com    MHS: acm @ ProteonW

manoj@ca.excelan.com (Manoj Goel) (01/10/91)

In article <9101072020.AA26530@merit.edu>, sarahg@MERIT.EDU (Sarah Gray) writes:
> and TCP/IP on the same network card--but all of them are about Netware
> 286.  We're using Netware 386.  Does anyone have any experience with
> this?  Do any programs use ODI?

Novell's LAN WORK PLACE for DOS supports tcp/ip and ipx on the same card...
and their is no dependency on the Netware 286/386 i.e. it will support
the netware client (dos, os/2 or mac) runs tcp/ip in addition to the netware
connectivity and thus becomes part of both the TCP network and the Netware
network. They could be on the same wire..

|  |\/\/\/|                                            | manoj goel        |
|  |      |   "Hey Dude, Don't have a cow!"            | Product Marketing | 
|  | (o)(o)                - Bart                      | 408 473 8369      |
|  |     _)                                            | 408 433 0775 fax  |
|  | ,___| --------------------------------------------+-------------------+
|  |   /      InterNet: manoj@novell.COM				   |
| /____\      USmail: 2222 Trade Zone Blvd., San Jose, CA 95131            |