[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] Ncsa 2.3b12 - Timeout



 I have a couple of questions about NCSA Telnet 2.3b12 .

 1) when I get, with ftpbin, very large files (over 40Mbytes) from
    a VAX/VMS, it may take a long time. But after 15mn of transfer,
    FTP stop with a "timeout (900 seconds)" message. It well close the
    file, but this one is uncompleted. Is there an option/parameter in
    CONFIG.TEL to solve this little problem ?

 2) the second question can help me to answer the first (above) question.
    Is there a documentation about NCSA Telnet (and ftp, lpr...) V2.3 ?
    If yes, can it be FTPed ?

Thank you in advance,

Michel Beheregaray
Centre Informatique de l'Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour - France