[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] NOS don't send packets

hz241pi@unidui.uni-duisburg.de (Andreas Pietras) (02/16/91)

I want to use NOS 2.01 or 1.13 with NI5210 packet driver,
trace says that it can receives ethernet packets, but
NOS don't send anything out.
What make I wrong?
I get packet-driver rev. 7.x and 8.0

Ciao Piet

PS. NCSA Telnet works fine!

   AAM       MPPPP   |     Andreas M. Pietras           |
  A  AM     MP    P  |     Waldstr. 131                 |     Ein Volk,
 AAAAM M   M MPPPP   |     4100 Duisburg 1              |     ein Koenig,
A    A  M M  P       |     Tel. 49-(0)203-37 16 10      |     besser is das !
A    M   M   M       |  hz241pi@duc220.uni-duisburg.de  |     ( Werner )
A    A       P       |                                  |