[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] TCP/IP + NFS + X

wieland@ea.ecn.purdue.edu (Jeffrey J Wieland) (02/17/91)

We are looking for a set of products that will coexist on a PC clone.
These would need to perform the following:

    For all users:

    1. NFS
    2. Telnet
    3. FTP

	This should know about nameservers, subnetting, and gateways.

    For users who might need it (and have powerful enough PC's)

    4. X-Server

I have been using Locus' PC-Interface and PC-Xsight for a few months,
but I find that PCI is too much of a memory hog to be useful.  
Furthermore, their TCP-IP seems to have too many limitations and
problems to be usable in a heterogenous machine environment like
we have here.
			    Jeff Wieland

TANNERC@cu1.crl.aecl.ca (02/28/91)


We have used both PC-NFS (from SUN) and PC/TCP (from FTP)  with X windows
packages eXceed from Hummingbird (Toronto Canada) and X Vision from
VIsionWare (this one works with Windows 3).

a) Both provide reasonable reliable service for all TCP/IP functions. I have
not been able to get the mail services for either working properly. In
my opinion, PC/TCP is more reliable.

b) If you are not using an X window's package, but are using something like
QEMM, PC-NFS results in more memory available. With Windows 3, PC/TCP,
X Vision and QEMM running, I have 406k of memory available.

I am beginning to think that the only way to solve the memory problems on
PC's is to use some form of UNIX.
Chris Tanner                          Tannerc@CU1.CRL.AECL.CA
AECL Research
Chalk River Ont.
Canada K0J 1J0