jbvb@VAX.FTP.COM (James Van Bokkelen) (04/18/89)
If you get the beta-test Packet Driver version of NCSA from Clarkson, and get somebody's version of IPX which supports the Packet Driver too, then you win. Otherwise, you lose. jbvb
DOBEIRNE@IRLEARN.BITNET (Dermot O'Beirne) (04/18/89)
>Does anyone know if there is a version of NCSA telnet which will >work concurrently with Netware 2.15? The version we have bombs when >run with IPX. Thanks to Brad Clements and also to all those developers of NCSA and the packet driver people (FTP and all) for the NCSA talking through the packet spec. I have just received from various places the bits that should make Netware and NCSA TCP/IP work concurrently on the one card. This is my first experience of the packet driver and I may be doing something wrong but it 'almost' works. Perhaps those in the know can solve: I have a 3c501.COM from Phil Karn originally. I have the BYU Novell .LAN and .OBJ files stating they are for Netware 2.1. I generated the Novell Shell to talk to the packet driver using these BYU files. I run 3c501 with 0x60 3 0x300 as the parameters. I run IPX and all seems fine. I run NET3 and a fileserver is NOT found. I read somewhere something about a Novell thing called ECONFIG but cannot find documentation etc on it. (Apparently it ensures 'ethernet' rather than 802.3 packets used and maybe the server card has to be configured to allow this). I am not sure if I am giving the right parameters to the 3c501.com. Is there any documentation explaining how to invoke the packet driver. I have not yet tested that the NCSA will address the packet driver with these parameters but am confident it will. Has anyone had the Novell BYU stuff work with Netware 2.15 (or 2.12) and if so what, if any, mods do I need to d?. Once again thanks to all those involved and I hope this is read by the packet driver, NCSA, and BYU people. Dermot O'Beirne Systems Programmer Computer Centre UCD, Dublin.
nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Russ Nelson) (04/25/89)
In article <8904190744.aa29039@louie.udel.edu> DOBEIRNE@IRLEARN.BITNET (Dermot O'Beirne) writes:
I have a 3c501.COM from Phil Karn originally.
Give Phil the credit, but blame me for the bugs.
I run 3c501 with 0x60 3 0x300 as the parameters.
That sounds good to me, but you might try it with values other than 0x60,
as some of the interrupts between 0x60 and 0x80 are used by other software.
I am not sure if I am giving the right parameters to the 3c501.com.
Is there any documentation explaining how to invoke the packet driver.
Each of the packet drivers will emit a usage: line if invoked without any
parameters. If invoked with one parameter (the software interrupt used
to communicate with it), then the interrupt, I/O port, etc. default to the
manufacturers defaults. In other words, there is no documentation. Given
the amount of trouble people have, I need to write some.
--russ (nelson@clutx [.bitnet | .clarkson.edu])
America -- Socialism for the rich people, Capitalism for the rest of us.
-- Michael Harrington, Co-Chair, Democratic Socialists of America
KLUTE@reze-1.rz.rwth-aachen.de (Eugen Klute) (03/03/91)
Hi, we are running KA9As NOS as IP-gateway between our tokenring and ethernet. There are only DOS-PCs and NOVELL-Servers connected to the tokenring. I would like to use BOOTP to assign IP-Adresses to the DOS-machines on the tokenring which are running NCSA-Telnet. I can run BOOTP on a UNIX- machine on the ethernet, but I think NOS doesn't transport BOOTP- Packets. Any ideas what we can do? +--------------------------------------------+ | Eugen Klute, Rechenzentrum der RWTH Aachen | | Seffenter Weg 23, 5100 Aachen, Germany | | Tel.: (-241)804876, Fax: (-241)804875 | | ACKLUTE at DACTH11 (Bitnet) | | klute at reze-1.rz.rwth-aachen.de | +--------------------------------------------+