jb@terak.UUCP (John Blalock) (03/22/85)
I just received the spec sheets and data book from Hitachi today on their new HD64180 8-bit "High Integration CMOS Microprocessor". Having seen nothing on the net about it, I thought I'd post a summary of its features and ask for any experiences that you may have with it. If enough interest, I'll post a summary as usual. The HD64180-6, now available for $22.06 (1-24) supports clock speeds of up to 6 MHz. The -8 will be available 4th quarter of 1985 and support up to 10 MHz. It comes in a 64-pin DIP with 68-pin JEDEC carrier available "later". Features: - Executes full Z80 instruction set with 10-20% performance improvement. - Ten new instructions: SLP Enter Sleep (low power standby) mode MLT 8-bit multiply with 16-bit result OUTO output register to immediate I/O address INO input from immediate I/O address to register OTIM \ OTIMR \ Block Move, Memory to I/O OTDM / OTDMR / TSTIO I/O AND immediate TST r accum AND register (non-destructive) TST m accum AND immediate " TST(HL) accum AND memory " - On-chip MMU supports 512K byte memory and 64K byte I/O address space. - Two-channel DMA controller with memory-memory, memory-I/O transfer capability. - Two-channel full duplex asynch serial communications interface with programmable baud rate generator and modem control signals. - Clocked serial I/O port, operates up to 300K bps. - Two-channel 16-bit programmable reload timer for timing and output waveforms. - Programmable interrupt controller, 8 internal and 4 external sources. - "E" signal to be compatible with 6800/6500 family I/O devices as well as 8080/Z80 devices. Now if AMPRO will just make a CPM+ "Little Board" with this chip, 256/512K RAM, floppy controller, and ST-506 controller all in one... John Blalock, W7AAY uucp: ...{amd,decvax,hao,ihnp4,seismo}!noao!terak!jb phone: (602) 998-4800 us mail: Terak Corp., 14151 N. 76th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Obviously, any opinions expressed are my own but even I might not claim them. I have no connection with Hitachi other than I do belong to the group that is getting impatient waiting for the Zilog Z800...
RCONN@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Rick Conn) (03/25/85)
Echelon has been looking at this chip for a while now, and they have a system which uses it. It looks like ZCPR3/ZRDOS will be moving to take advantage of it. -------