jbvb@FTP.COM ("James B. Van Bokkelen") (03/23/91)
I wish that FTP would distribute a brief ASCII description of its lowest API so it could be used as a reference model. You can't describe our API "briefly" and make it possible for someone else to implement from. I don't mind letting the world use our model, but my support people would kill me if they started getting calls about applications developed on something that wasn't quite compatible with our kernel. We have some specific test programs, but I'd feel much more comfortable if the knock-off API was tested with our full suite, which needs not only the basic product, but NETBIOS, Interdrive and the libraries as well. James B. VanBokkelen 26 Princess St., Wakefield, MA 01880 FTP Software Inc. voice: (617) 246-0900 fax: (617) 246-0901