[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] Choosing a LAN for PC's and Unix-boxes

thoger@solan.unit.no (Terje Th|gersen) (04/15/91)


I need your help in gathering information about different LAN systems.

We're currently running DEC's PCSA on a MicroVAX 3100, with about 20 PC's and
2 laser printers hooked up. In addition, we have a plotter, 3 more lasers and 
two Unix boxes more or less hooked into the net.

The use is heavy-duty wordprocessing, medium heavy spreadsheet usage, plus
CAD and accounting.  The wordprocessor, Wordperfect is located on the file-
server, as is the spreadsheet software (Excel/Win30).  The rest of the users
use the net to access the lasers from local applications.

The main problem now is that it's *very* slow, especially since the Vax 
usually runs a few batch jobs, too. We're not too happy with peripheral
sharing, either. (We've got 10 PC's in the typing-pool on the ground floor,
and the server is on the 3rd floor. We have to send print jobs to the server
over the net, and take the jobs back down to the Laserjet III on the 
ground floor on a RS423 serial link)

What I'd appreciate help about is reviewing other possible solutions.

We need a LAN capable of connecting PC's and Unix boxes, while providing
peripheral device sharing. Peer-to-peer peripheral sharing is a big plus 
(in other words, the people using running CAD on a Unix box should be 
able to use the plotter hooked up to Hansen's PC) We're willing to throw
out the VAX and buy another server, if needed. One-vendor solutions are 
a plus.

I don't need a three page review, but if you could send me a little note
saying "we're running PC-NFS on 10 Sun-boxes and 20 PC's, and it's working
OK. Printer sharing is a bit tedious, though" it would give me a place to
start. (Notes with "We're running NetWare and it's Unix-integration stinks"
are also most welcome)

I will post/mail a summary if there is sufficient interest.

(btw. a pointer to reviews of LAN systems in one of the computer magazines
I have access to are welcome, too. (BYTE, PC Mag, Personal Computer World, 
C't, Data Comm. Int'l))

Thank you very much in advance.

thoger@solan.unit.no       |                 Institute of Physical Chemistry
THOGER AT NORUNIT.BITNET   | Div. of Computer Assisted Instrumental Analysis
                           |               Norwegian Institute of Technology