[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] Netware with Clarkson packet driver

jbrown@locus.com (Jordan Brown) (04/17/91)

I'm trying to make a multi-protocol-stack setup work, and not having much
luck, so I'd like to chat with others who might have fought the same battles.

The general idea is to run Netware (2.15) over the Clarkson packet driver
using BYU's IPX.COM.  I have two network cards I've been playing with -
3c501 and 3c505.  The packet drivers are hot off the press, version 9.
The IPX.COM (actually PDSHELL.OBJ) is v2.01, from 04/89.  I'm not
running any other network software, though of course that's the goal.

It all "plugs and goes", but pretty quickly grinds to a screeching halt
and hangs.  Running a different IPX package (Hughes LAN Systems
ProLinc) on the same machine over the same network cards to the same
server works like a champ.

Is there a newer version of BYU's stuff?  I dug around there with anonymous
FTP and didn't find anything newer.  Are the 3c501 and 3c505 Clarkson
drivers just flakey?

Anyhow, if anybody's worked with the BYU stuff, especially with 3c501s
or 3c505s, I'd like to talk about it.
