[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] What Features Should Be In A Mail Application?

simpsons@leland.Stanford.EDU (james disanto) (06/11/91)

We are designing an MS-DOS based electronic mail application that
will interface directly to SMTP and will operate on many different
commercial and public-domain TCP/IP stacks.  In order to design a
useful product, we would like feedback from potential users of the
product to determine which features are most needed.

We have designed a concise survey that can be answered in five
minutes.  If you are interested in participating, please send me a
note indicating your interest and I will forward the survey to
you.  While all users are invited to participate, we are
particularly interested in the thoughtful opinions of those who
are in touch with the electronic mail needs of their
organizations:  project leaders, network administrators, mail
administrators, and those who heavily use an existing mailer on a
MS-DOS PC local area network (LAN).

900002@fs1.pcnet.uni-oldenburg.de (Bernd Wagener) (06/11/91)

> Date:       Mon, 10 Jun 91 20:07:37 GMT
> Reply-to:   pcip%udel.edu@VMXA.HRZ.UNI-OLDENBURG.DE
> From:       pcip-request%UDEL.EDU@VMXA.HRZ.UNI-OLDENBURG.DE
> Subject:    What Features Should Be In A Mail Application?
> To:         Bernd Wagener <900002@DOLUNI1>

Please send me your survey.

  Bernd Wagener
/*  University Oldenburg Computing Center             */
/* Tel : +49 441 798 4800                             */
/* Fax : +49 441 798 2555                             */
/* PaperMail : P.O.Box 2503                           */
/*             D 2900 Oldenburg                       */
/* InterNet : u900002@vmxa.hrz.Uni-Oldenburg.DE       */
/* BitNet   : 900002 at DOLUNI1.BITNET                */

klatta@MERIT.EDU (06/11/91)

Hi, I'd be very interested in taking the survey and receiving the
results ("report to respondents" in survey lingo). Also, I'm assuming
from your message that you're strictly interested in doing this as
a Dos ap and not as a Windows ap?
Thanks for any information.
 Ken Latta, Merit Computer Network, NetSoft Group, klatta@merit.edu

Gilbert_Ho.OSBU_North@XEROX.COM (06/17/91)

Please send me your survey.
