[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc] Telnet from IBM's TCP/IP for OS/2

spexet@ux.acs.umn.edu (D. Robert Spexet II) (06/20/91)

Right now, I'm using the VT100 client program from IBM's TCP/IP for OS/2
package, and it seems pretty slow to me.  (The VT100 program is a Telnet
client that emulates a VT100 terminal.)

The program, running on a PS/2 Model 55SX, doesn't even seem to be up to
a 4800bps terminal.  Surely, there must be some way to speed it up a bit.
(This is all running on a 16MBPS Token-Ring, by the way.)

I've changed the Communications Manager values as directed by the manual, and
I lowered the TIMESLICE values in the CONFIG.SYS file.  But, that doesn't
seem to help very much.

Any help that you all could offer on this matter would be very much appre-

-D. Robert Spexet II, P.O. Box 14909, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414-0909 U.S.A.
 Internet:  spexet@ux.acs.umn.edu
 BITnet:    spexet@umnacux
 UUCP:      rutgers!umn-cs!ux.acs.umn.edu!spexet

chapman@acf3.NYU.EDU (Gary W. Chapman,WWH 318,212-998-3045,718-499-7815) (06/21/91)

I found this (ibm tcp/ip telnet daemon on OS/2 machine) to be a dog 
on a 20 Mhz model 80 with 12 meg of memory.  We suspect un-optimized

- Gary Chapman, NYU

spexet@ux.acs.umn.edu (D. Robert Spexet II) (06/21/91)

In article <31500001@acf3.NYU.EDU> chapman@acf3.NYU.EDU (Gary W. Chapman,WWH 318,212-998-3045,718-499-7815) writes:
>I found this (ibm tcp/ip telnet daemon on OS/2 machine) to be a dog 
>on a 20 Mhz model 80 with 12 meg of memory.  We suspect un-optimized

After we found the code to be slow on the 55SX, we tried to use the VT100 Tel-
net client from a PS/2 Model 80-A31, a 25Mhz machine with 14 meg of memory.

It was an incredible dog on there also.

>- Gary Chapman, NYU

-D. Robert Spexet II, P.O. Box 14909, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414-0909 U.S.A.
 Internet:  spexet@ux.acs.umn.edu
 BITnet:    spexet@umnacux
 UUCP:      rutgers!umn-cs!ux.acs.umn.edu!spexet

backman@FTP.COM (Larry Backman) (06/23/91)

 >> In article <31500001@acf3.NYU.EDU> chapman@acf3.NYU.EDU (Gary W. Chapman,WWH 318,212-998-3045,718-499-7815) writes:
 >> >I found this (ibm tcp/ip telnet daemon on OS/2 machine) to be a dog 
 >> >on a 20 Mhz model 80 with 12 meg of memory.  We suspect un-optimized
 >> >code...
 >> After we found the code to be slow on the 55SX, we tried to use the VT100 Tel-
 >> net client from a PS/2 Model 80-A31, a 25Mhz machine with 14 meg of memory.
 >> It was an incredible dog on there also.

Define Dog; our PCTCP Telnetd for OS/2 is slow in establishing the initial
login prompt (inetd spawns startses which spawns telnetd which spawns
login) but once we are going we get reasonable (~ 9600 baud) performance
on a 386/20 or 25.

If you call it a dog because its slow making its initial connection you might
want to look at your OS/2 configuration.  OS/2 1.3 in particular is
notorious ( 20 seconds on a 4 Meg 386/20) for taking its time in spawning
a child process out of a background program (like inetd).  Also; it
gives emphasis to the foreground app at the expense of background stuff.

If your interested I can dig up an archived tip from comp.os.os2 on how
to optimize OS/2 for better background processing.

Larry Backman

spexet@UX.ACS.UMN.EDU (06/23/91)


I'm afraid that that message was extremely confusing.  I meant to say the Tel-
net *client*, not the Telnet daemon.

The Telnet daemon is very fast, once it starts up.  However, IBM's VT100 Telnet
client (IBM seperated the Telnet client into three programs, depending on what
terminal emulation you want) is *extremely* slow, giving a performance that is
barely better than 2400 baud.  This is a very subjective evaluation, not backed
up at all with any objective measuremeants, but the 9600baud modem connection
next to my OS/2 machine (a 386/25 with 14megs) certainly appears to run faster.

I'm very sorry for confusing you about the daemon versus the client.  No, IBM's
TelnetD actually works pretty nicely, much better than I thought it would.

Thanks for responding,
