[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Macintosh and HyperCard User Survey

todd@net1.ucsd.edu (Todd Goodman) (11/14/87)

    Questionnaire:  Macintosh and HyperCard User Survey

     We are students  at the  University of  California, San
Diego and are working on a project to determine what problems
users  have  while  using  the Macintosh User Interface  and
the HyperCard interface.  If possible we would appreciate it
if you could fill out this questionnaire  and then return it
to todd@net1.ucsd.edu.  Some alternate mail paths are listed
below.  Or simply type 'R' if you're using rn.

               Thank You.
                    Dan Seguin
                    Todd Goodman
                    Jeff Shanberg


Please answer the following questions:

1)   Have you ever used a MacIntosh before?

                           yes     no

     1.1) If no, please skip to end of questionnaire.

2)   What is your level of experience?

          beginner  casual user  advanced user  expert

3)   Do you use the Finder as your primary interface?

                           yes     no

     3.1) If no, what do you use?  Why?

          Please skip to question #11.

4)   Do you use the  finder  with  other  file  manipulation
     tools (i.e. FastFinder, etc.)?

                           yes     no

     4.1) If no, are you satisfied with the finder?

                              yes     no

     4.2) If yes, which ones do you use and in which  situa-
          tions do you use them?


5)   Do you use all of the features of the finder?

                           yes     no

6)   Which features do you use the most?


7)   What features would you like to see added and why?


8)   Thinking back, what was the first problem  you  encoun-
     tered with the finder?


9)   How would you rate the finder overall?

                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                      (poor)   (excellent)

10)  Please rate the ease of use of the following  (where  1
     is  difficult  and 5 is easy) and explain why you chose
     that rating:

          10.1) Copying files:  1  2  3  4  5
          10.2) Moving files:  1  2  3  4  5
          10.3) Printing files:  1  2  3  4  5
          10.4) Swapping diskettes:  1  2  3  4  5
          10.5) Finding files:  1  2  3  4  5
          10.6) Running applications:  1  2  3  4  5
          10.7) Cut & Paste between applications:  1   2   3
          4  5

11)  Do you use Hypercard?

                           yes     no

          11.1) If yes, what percent  of  your  Mac  use  is
          devoted to Hypercard?


          11.2) If no, please skip to end of questionnnaire.

12)  What do you use it for  (phone  book,  games,  database
     applications)?  Why?


13)  Would you like to have the ability to run other  appli-
     cations from Hypercard?

                           yes     no

          13.1) Why?


14)  How often do you leave Hypercard to perform finder-type

              never  occassionally  often  too much

15)  If this was available, but  it  required  more  memory,
     would you be interested?

                           yes     no

16)  Would you prefer a HyperCard interface over  a  finder-
     type  interface if the Hypercard interface provided the
     same functionality as the finder?

                           yes     no

17)  How would you rate HyperCard overall?

                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                      (poor)   (excellent)

18)  What problems do you have with HyperCard?  =>

19)  If you have used the finder, did your  experience  with
     it aid in using HyperCard?

             yes     no      haven't used the finder

20)  Do you program in HyperTalk  (the  HyperCard  scripting

                           yes     no

          20.1) If yes, do you follow the  HyperCard  design
          guidelines?  Why or why not?

                              yes     no


               =====  END OF QUESTIONNAIRE  =====

	Our collective sanity thanks you from the bottom of our cerebellum.