I am borrowing a kind person's account to post this HyperTalk quetion. Thanks. So, the questions is...I have been developing a Hypercard stack which includes such common features as pasting text and graphics. My problem is that I have supplied buttons for these features (rather than the menubar) because I need to control the pasting of this data. My problem arises if a user tries to paste from the clipboard when nothing was previously copied to the clipboard. My command doMenu "Paste Picture" is responded to by Hypercard saying that thatis not an option since "Paste Picture" only appears after copying graphics to the clipboard. All this makes sense, but how do I stop it? Is it possible to trap the hypercard error messages (in a handler) or better yet, find out if an option is active in the menubar? I would greatly appreciate any suggestions with this, since this is the last thing I need to be finished with my stack. As stated earlier, I am borrowing an account for this. So if you could send your replies to 11173@ncsavmsa (bitnet) or, I would appreciate it. If that is inconvient, then messages sent here will be forwarded to me. Thanks in advance. --Joe Breeden-- PS: I have Goodmann's book and haven't found the answer to my question there. Are there any other sources of information on Hypercard for the part-time programmer?
cnc@hpcilzb.HP.COM (Chris Christensen) (01/08/88)
1) Would it be possible to copy some random piece of graphics into the clipboard first thing. This would at least solve the problem of the user entering the stack and hitting the button before selecting graphics. It's hard to reply without knowing a little more about your stack. Chris