[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] QuicKeys help

mark@ghostwheel.UUCP (Mark Scheevel) (01/19/88)

Last night I installed QuickKeys on my Mac+ and played with it
for a while.  All went well until I tried using the predefined
Hypercard keys that come with the package:  when I tried to use
them (some of them anyway), I started to get strange results.
For example, the key sequence for Bkgnd Info... is something like
shift-option-clover-b.  When I press it I get beeped at, but nothing
seems to happen.  However, the next mouse click brings up the
background info dialog!  When I hit the Stack Info... key sequence
(shift-option-s, I think), I go straight to the script for the
stack, as if QuicKeys has selected Stack Info... from the menu and
then clicked on the Script button.  I don't recall any other specific
examples offhand; some things work fine (option-clover-space brings
up the reference card, for example), but others don't.  Has anyone
else seen this same sort of behavior?  I didn't have time to check
any of the other keysets (except universal, which works fine), so
I don't know if this is Hypercard-specific or not.

Configuration:  1Meg Mac+, System/Finder 4.2/6.0, Hypercard 1.0.1,
		20 Meg Relax hard disk, no Multifinder.  I don't
		know the version number of QuicKeys, but it was
		just purchased from MacConnection, so I assume it
		is the latest stuff.

Thanks for any help,

Mark Scheevel
MCC, Advanced Computer Architecture
Austin, Texas
