[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Confusion Reigns: comp.sys.mac.programmer

david@wiley.UUCP (David Hull) (01/23/88)

It appears that sometime after Chuq Von Rospach asked not to be sent
any votes for comp.sys.mac.programmer he changed his mind.  But not
before Roy Smith and I both volunteered to collect them.  Well, after
corresponding with Chuq and Roy, we've decided that Chuq will take
charge.  Therefore, I will be sending him a list of the votes that I have
received so far.

What follows is the list of votes that I have received as of Fri Jan 22
23:56:00 PST 1988.  If you are on this list you don't have to bother
voting again.  If you sent me a vote but aren't on the list you should
probably send your vote to chuq@sun.com. I will forward any votes I get
in the future to Chuq, but no sense in not playing it safe.

On the newsgroup name: some people expressed a preference; most didn't.
Personally, I like the name "comp.sys.mac.tech" better, but feel that
"comp.sys.mac.programmer" is more practical.  The distinction we are
trying to make (I think) is more that of programming vs.
non-programming questions rather than technical vs. non-technical

So far in two days of voting there are 38 ayes and 3 nays.


Here are the votes that I have received as of Fri Jan 22 23:56:00 PST 1988:

"Yes" votes:
	Nabajyoti Barkakati	<naba@eneevax.umd.edu>
!	Stephen Baumgarten	<sbb@esquire.uucp>
	Ron Beloin		<beloin@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu>
	Brad Blumenthal		<brad@pheasant.cs.utexas.edu>
	Dave C			<davec%mhuxu@att.arpa>
	Christopher Chow	<chow@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu>
*	Heather Ebey		<ebey@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu>
	Ken Ewing		<ewing-ken@YALE.ARPA>
	Miles Fidelman		<mfidelma@CC5.BBN.COM>
	Eric Fielding		<eric@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu>
	Elliot Frank		<esf00@uts.amdahl.com>
!	Gadi Friedman (?)	<friedman@aramis.rutgers.edu>
	David Gelphman		<gelphman@adobe.uucp>
!	William S. Graefe	<graefe@TRAMP.COLORADO.EDU>
	Matthew Grayson		<ir353@sdcc6.ucsd.edu>
	John Hatfield		<c60c-6bd@wolf.berkeley.edu>
	Lon Hildreth		<hildreth@cg-atla.uucp>
	Frank Horowitz		<horowitz@geology.tn.cornell.edu>
	Francois F. Ingrand	<Felix@AI.SRI.COM>
	Ralph Johnson		<johnson@p.cs.uiuc.edu>
*	Joe Kwan		<rabbit@psivax.psi.siemens.COM>
	Gabriel Lawrence	<lawrence@CCV.BBN.COM>
	Tom Lippin (?)		<lippin@bosco.berkeley.edu>
	Paul Meyer		<paul@CAF.MIT.EDU>
	Michael Peirce		<peirce@lll-crg.llnl.gov>
*	Mark E. Perkins		<perkins@acf8.NYU.EDU>
	Daniel Quinlan		<danq@sag4.ssl.Berkeley.EDU>
	Eric Reid		<ereid@sun.com>
	Darryl Richman		<darryl@ism780c.isc.com>
	Larry Rosenstein	<lsr@apple.apple.com>
	Craig Ruff		<cruff@scdpyr.UCAR.EDU>
	Jack Slingerland	jacks@tigger.GPID.TEK.COM>
	Oliver Steele		<steele@cs.unc.edu>
	Steve Strassmann	<straz@MEDIA-LAB.MEDIA.MIT.EDU>
	Josh Susser		<Susser.pasa@Xerox.COM>
	Bob Walker		<walker@faraday.ece.cmu.edu>
	Jerry Whitnell		<jwhitnel@csib.csi.com>
	Gary Winiger		<gww@elxsi.uucp>

"No" votes:
	Marc Kaufman		<kaufman@shasta.stanford.edu>
	Dave McCarthy		<dfmccrthy@brock.cdn>

* prefers the name "comp.sys.mac.tech"
! prefers the name "comp.sys.mac.programmer"
(?) means I guessed at the last name

					David Hull  TRW Inc.  Redondo Beach, CA