[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] A stack to do a guided tour?

domino@sunybcs.uucp (Michael Domino) (02/02/88)

I've had an inquiry from a librarian who wants to know if anyone knows of a
stack that will conduct a guided tour of a facility (a factory, hospital, etc).
He is writing up a grant proposal and would like to get a bunch a Macs and use
Hypercard to introduce new users to the library, answer questions, etc, but
he needs to show, as part of his proposal, an example of the kind of thing he
has in mind.  Does anyone know of something like this?  The specific subject
does not matter.

Michael Domino @ SUNY/Buffalo
internet: domino@cs.buffalo.edu
uucp:     ..!{rutgers,watmath,boulder,decvax}!sunybcs!domino
BITNET:   domino@sunybcs.BITNET       phone:    716-881-6420

twakeman@hpcea.CE.HP.COM (Teriann Wakeman) (02/03/88)

	You were ambigious as to whether the tour would be from 1 Mac & the
person sitting down & getting the tour or if there are a bunch of Macs 
scattered throughout the facility with each machine telling about that
area and then providing directions to the next machine. Ether way, it should
be quite simple to write a tour. what would really make it work would be 
a camera and a digitizer. That way you could put digitized pictures
in the stack. Farllon (sp?) new sound digitizer does a good job of
digitzing sounds & could add some short vocal narative. possibilities
abound. I think Hypercard will easily handle this need. Perhaps the 
Megalopolis Corp stack might be used as a demo.
