[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Geneology HC stack

housen@ssc-vax.UUCP (Kevin Housen) (05/10/88)

Some time ago I saw a geneology Hypercard stack
posted on the net.  Would some kind soul please e-mail
me a copy?  A friend of mine, and his terminally-ill
mother, are trying to put togehter a record of their
family history.  Time is a bit short right now.

Thanks in advance...

Kevin Housen

(206) -657-3484
Boeing Aerospace Co
MS 3H-29
Seattle WA  98124

steve@hpiacla.HP.COM (Steve Witten) (05/12/88)

It's on its way so don't inundate the guy...

Steve Witten                    steve%hpiacla@hplabs.HP.COM
Industrial Applications Center  {ucbvax, hplabs}!hpda!hpdsla!hpiacla!steve
Hewlett-Packard Co.             steve@hpiacla

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