ksl@hou2e.UUCP (04/07/85)
Please fill out the following survey and return it. (this is partially for my interest and partially for my business) -------------------------------CUT-HERE---------------------------------------- *** COMPUTER SURVEY *** If you do not own a computer, fill out portions of the survey that apply. You need not fill out all sections: you may leave out questions which ask you which you "hate". 1. List computer(s) you own below: (e.g. IBM PC) i. ___________________________________ ii. ___________________________________ iii. ___________________________________ iv. ___________________________________ v. ___________________________________ 2. What operating system do you favor? (e.g. MS DOS, UNIX) 2._____________ For #'s 3 and 4, if you have one computer, or none, skip to #5. *3. What is your favorite computer that you own? 3._____________ *4. What computer do you like the least that you own? 4._____________ 5. What computer would you like to own? (if you could afford it)5._____________ 6. If you had a choice of 2 computers, 1 portable, the other desktop; w/ same price; which would you buy? (a) portable (b)desktop 6.___ 7. What type of display do you favor? (a)CRT (b)TV (c)LCD (d)EL 7.___ 8. What type of display do you prefer NOT to use?(same choices) 8.___ 9. What company, in your opinion, produces GOOD computer equipment and/or software (e.g. IBM, MS) 9._____________ For #'s 10-15, if you use more than one of the things in capital letters, pick the one that you prefer. 10. What WORD PROCESSESOR do you prefer? (e.g. WordStar, vi) 10.____________ 11. What COMPUTER MAGAZINE do you read? (e.g. Byte, PC World) 11.____________ 12. What type of MODEM do you use? (e.g. Hayes Smartmodem 1200)12.____________ 13. What COMPUTER LANGUAGE do you prefer (e.g. C, Pascal) 13.____________ 14. What size of DISKS do you use? (e.g. 5.25, 8) 14.____________ 15. What brand of DISKS do you use? (e.g. Maxell, Datalife) 15.____________ The following questions are "yes" or "no": 16. Do you prefer to have a HARD RESET BUTTON or not? 16.___ 17. Do you prefer having a NUMERIC KEYPAD? 17.___ 18. Do you prefer a COMPUTER GENERATED BEEP everytime you type? 18.___ The following require answers: 19. How many function keys (hard or soft) do you feel necessary?19.____________ 20. Do you prefer using a MOUSE or KEYBOARD? 20.____________ 21. What do you use your computer for mainly?(e.g. fun,business)21.____________ 22. If you have a hard disk: [a] What brand hard disk is it? 22a.___________ [b] What model hard disk is it? 22b.___________ [c] How much Mb does it have? 22c.___________ [d] Do you feel that is enough? 22d.___________ 23. Using the following pieces of equipment, generate a system you would feel comfortable with: [a] (i) desktop (ii) portable 23a.___ [b] (i) CRT (ii) EL (iii) TV (iv)LCD 23b.___ [c] ADD the numbers together for a final answer: 23c.____ (1) hard disk 10 Mb (2) hard disk 20 Mb (4) cassette drive (8) floppy disk drive (5-1/4") (16) floppy disk drive(8") (32) disk drive (3-1/2") (64) keyboard w/ wire (128) keyboard w/o wire (256) mouse (512) windowing capability 24.How much K of RAM do you feel necessary in a computer system?24.____ 25. Do you prefer ROM-based software or RAM-based? 25.____________ 26. List the contents of your favorite system (that you own) below: 27. Are you in favor of COPY PROTECTION? 27.___ 28. Will you use COPY PROTECTED SOFTWARE? 28.___ 29. Are you interestedin any 32-bit machine? 29.___ 30. If 29 is "Yes", which one? 30.____________ *** END OF SURVEY *** ------------------------------CUT-HERE----------------------------------------- After the survey is complete, cut and mail it to: ihnp4 \ allegra>hou2e!ksl cbuxa / most inodes work! (try sending direct)
ksl@hou2e.UUCP (04/07/85)
This didn't post the first time, so I'm trying again: Please fill it out! *** COMPUTER SURVEY *** If you do not own a computer, fill out portions of the survey that apply. You need not fill out all sections: you may leave out questions which ask you which you "hate". 1. List computer(s) you own below: (e.g. IBM PC) i. ___________________________________ ii. ___________________________________ iii. ___________________________________ iv. ___________________________________ v. ___________________________________ 2. What operating system do you favor? (e.g. MS DOS, UNIX) 2._____________ For #'s 3 and 4, if you have one computer, or none, skip to #5. *3. What is your favorite computer that you own? 3._____________ *4. What computer do you like the least that you own? 4._____________ 5. What computer would you like to own? (if you could afford it)5._____________ 6. If you had a choice of 2 computers, 1 portable, the other desktop; w/ same price; which would you buy? (a) portable (b)desktop 6.___ 7. What type of display do you favor? (a)CRT (b)TV (c)LCD (d)EL 7.___ 8. What type of display do you prefer NOT to use?(same choices) 8.___ 9. What company, in your opinion, produces GOOD computer equipment and/or software (e.g. IBM, MS) 9._____________ For #'s 10-15, if you use more than one of the things in capital letters, pick the one that you prefer. 10. What WORD PROCESSESOR do you prefer? (e.g. WordStar, vi) 10.____________ 11. What COMPUTER MAGAZINE do you read? (e.g. Byte, PC World) 11.____________ 12. What type of MODEM do you use? (e.g. Hayes Smartmodem 1200)12.____________ 13. What COMPUTER LANGUAGE do you prefer (e.g. C, Pascal) 13.____________ 14. What size of DISKS do you use? (e.g. 5.25, 8) 14.____________ 15. What brand of DISKS do you use? (e.g. Maxell, Datalife) 15.____________ The following questions are "yes" or "no": 16. Do you prefer to have a HARD RESET BUTTON or not? 16.___ 17. Do you prefer having a NUMERIC KEYPAD? 17.___ 18. Do you prefer a COMPUTER GENERATED BEEP everytime you type? 18.___ The following require answers: 19. How many function keys (hard or soft) do you feel necessary?19.____________ 20. Do you prefer using a MOUSE or KEYBOARD? 20.____________ 21. What do you use your computer for mainly?(e.g. fun,business)21.____________ 22. If you have a hard disk: [a] What brand hard disk is it? 22a.___________ [b] What model hard disk is it? 22b.___________ [c] How much Mb does it have? 22c.___________ [d] Do you feel that is enough? 22d.___________ 23. Using the following pieces of equipment, generate a system you would feel comfortable with: [a] (i) desktop (ii) portable 23a.___ [b] (i) CRT (ii) EL (iii) TV (iv)LCD 23b.___ [c] ADD the numbers together for a final answer: 23c.____ (1) hard disk 10 Mb (2) hard disk 20 Mb (4) cassette drive (8) floppy disk drive (5-1/4") (16) floppy disk drive(8") (32) disk drive (3-1/2") (64) keyboard w/ wire (128) keyboard w/o wire (256) mouse (512) windowing capability 24.How much K of RAM do you feel necessary in a computer system?24.____ 25. Do you prefer ROM-based software or RAM-based? 25.____________ 26. List the contents of your favorite system (that you own) below: 27. Are you in favor of COPY PROTECTION? 27.___ 28. Will you use COPY PROTECTED SOFTWARE? 28.___ 29. Are you interestedin any 32-bit machine? 29.___ 30. If 29 is "Yes", which one? 30.____________ *** END OF SURVEY *** After the survey is complete, cut and mail it to: ihnp4 \ allegra>hou2e!ksl cbuxa / most inodes work! (try sending direct) Thanks in advance! ********** ?????????? The User! ?????????? hou2e!ksl **********