[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] MultiFinder and Hypercard


A couple of items about the interaction of MultiFinder and Hypercard:

MultiFinder starts up my computer with four applications and ALWAYS leaves 
Hypercard as the active application.  Is this intentional?  I suspect that it 
is.  I have reset the Set Startup option a number of times just to see if it 
makes a difference.  The programs don't seem to always start up in the same 
order, but Hypercard always ends up in the front layer even if it loads 
before some others.

Next, how does MultiFinder hook into the SFGetFile call to open documents 
from the Finder?  The reason I need this info is that I want to feed MacPaint 
files to Hypercard's Import Paint dialog so that I don't have to pick the 
names of all the files I want to import.  My only option besides this is an 
XCMD that reads a MacPaint file into the clipboard.  I have looked at Andy's 
Import PICT XCMD, but it requires everything to be in a scrapbook file and I 
have a series of MacPaint or MacDraw PICT files.  So, how does MF feed the 
file name to a program?  I want to do that!


         N         L                          pugh@nmfecc.arpa
          M    A    L          National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center
           F    T    N             Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
            E         L                       PO Box 5509 L-561
             C                           Livermore, California 94550
              C                                (415) 423-4239

dan@Apple.COM (Dan Allen) (08/20/88)

In article <64950@sun.uucp> PUGH@NMFECC.ARPA writes:
>Next, how does MultiFinder hook into the SFGetFile call to open documents 
>from the Finder?  The reason I need this info is that I want to feed MacPaint 
>files to Hypercard's Import Paint dialog so that I don't have to pick the 
>names of all the files I want to import.  My only option besides this is an 
>XCMD that reads a MacPaint file into the clipboard.  I have looked at Andy's 
>Import PICT XCMD, but it requires everything to be in a scrapbook file and I 
>have a series of MacPaint or MacDraw PICT files.  So, how does MF feed the 
>file name to a program?  I want to do that!

MF actually fakes the Open... dialog.  It looks through the File menu
and looks for an item labeled Open or Open... or Open elipsis character.
MF will also look for a special little resource that tells it which to
do, which is what HyperCard uses because our Open says Open Stack...

HOWEVER, I don't think this will help you.  Your best bet is to write an
XCMD, alas.

Dan Allen
Apple Computer