[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Suspend/Resume findings

ab2l+@andrew.cmu.edu (Anthony Lee Bradshaw) (08/25/88)

I had a request to post the findings sent directly to me concerning my recent
Suspend/Resume problem(which you can find floating around here somewhere).

>Suspending simply remembers to come back to HyperCard.  The only way
>that HyperCard can preserve state information after a launch of another
>app is to record it right before leaving in the Home stack, for example,
>and then to read it back upon launching again.

>If you have a specific need to suspend and resume something, try adding
>your own scripts to the home stack.

>Dan Allen
>Apple Computer

If I get anything else I'll try to dump them here too; but, I thought this one
might help those who are having the same problem.

Thanks to Dan Allen, it has helped my situation, and to anyone else with info.