[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] HyperText in HyperCard

krona@ttds.UUCP (Kjell Krona) (08/30/88)

This message was originally written in answer to a request
in alt.hypertext .Since I thought it might have interest
for this newsgroup too, please enjoy.
(This is my first posting to the net .I might have made
some mistakes...)
The message refers to "new ways to use HyperTalk" (at least
to me, they were...) I have been developing a simple class-
system with inheritance, using the message sending mechanism
in Hypertalk. I am currently writing a report on this. If
someone is interested, I could post a short description of
this system. I have founf it quite useful while creating
the application discussed below.
-- HyperText in HyperCard --
I am currently using HyperCard to create a hypertext
application. Propably this will develop into an authoring
enviroronment for hypertexts, since I have spent quite
some time on developing generic hyperetxt functions in
HyperTalk. At the moment, the hypertext is a short bio-
graphy on the architect Frank Lloyd Wright.

The stack is structured as several sequences of cards
with text and scanned pictures. This sequences can then
be acessed from several "indices", presenting the seq-
uences in several ways; these are currently: a map,
a chronology, a list of houses, and a list of writings.

The sequences of cards are not "hard-coded" together;
instead I have made special "forward" and "backward"
buttons, taking you forward and backward in a list of
the cards in a sequence. These lists are stored in fields
on a special card, not normally seen by the user. Since
these list are complety "context-free", it is possible
to jump to a new sequence at any time, saving the old
one on a stack, and later popping it back. It is also
possible for the user to "record" new sequences trough
the cards. These are called "threads" since they were
inspired by the so-called "thread"-capablility in Brown's
Intermedia system.

At the moment I am working on programming refinements,
and during the next month I will enclose the functions in a
simple authoring system, for users without knowledge of
Hypertalk. I hope to have an initial report on the system
ready by the end of october (no promises!)

I would like to add that HyperCard sorts of "grows
on you". I was initially disappointed by the examples
provided by HyperCard, and it was only after several
months of exploration I tried to create what was initially
a simple, albeit large application, and began to discover
new ways of using HyperCard and HyperTalk. I think
that the capabilities even in the current version of
HyperCard are mostly unexplored, even by its creators
(Bill Atkinson and Dan Winkler, foremost). This might
explain the dearth of GOOD examples, which otherwise 
could stimulate the exploration of new ways with HyperCard.

However, if you have acess to the CD-ROM demo disc
from Apple, do look closely at the stacks provided! 
These are very good graphically, and there are some
quite interesting scripts hidden there.

 - Kjell Krona                      krona@tds.kth.se   OR
 - Dept of Architecture             kjell@palladio.kth.se
 - Royal Institute of Technology    S-100 44 Stockholm, SWEDEN