[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] help with PopUpMenu? Also LSC 3.0

jbrouill@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA (Luc Brouillet) (09/03/88)

In article <21146@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu> cml@diplodocus.cis.ohio-state.edu (Christopher Lott) writes:
>can anyone please help me with the syntax for calling a popup from
>a script?  I have the PopUpXcmd in my stack, but all attempts at calling
>it just return a '0' (zero).

I use the PopUp XCMD defined in  Gary Bond's "XCMD's for Hypercard".
I was also experiencing the same problem.   The error was using the
mouseUp message.  The PopUpMenuSelect() routine expect the mouse to be down
when called.  Here is my working code:

Script for the lock field that contains the selection:

    on mouseDown
      popChoice("item1,(-,item2,item 3,item 4,item 5,item 6,item 7,item 8")
    end mouseDown

Script for the stack:

    on popChoice l
      repeat with n = 1 to the number of items of l
        put item n of l & ";" after m
      end repeat
      put rect of the target into r
      put PopMenu(item 2 of r, item 1 of r, m) into v
      put item v of l into the target
    end popChoice

There seems to be a typo at the bottom of p. 261 of Bond's book.
It should read:

    selection = (long) PopUpMenuSelect (myMenuHandle, 
	  (offsetTop + cardWindowLoc.v), (offsetLeft + cardWindowLoc.h), 1);

Finally, I found the following handy for writing Bond's XCMDs in LSC 3.0:

    pascal	void main (XCmdBlockPtr);
    void	doXCmd (XCmdBlockPtr);

    pascal void  main (paramPtr)
	XCmdBlockPtr paramPtr;
        asm { MOVE.L    A4,-(SP)    ; save the old A4
	      MOVE.L    A0,A4	    ;load the address of the code segment
				    ; in memory

        doXCmd (paramPtr);

        asm { MOVEA.L (SP)+,A4	; restore A4

    void  doXCmd (paramPtr)
	XCmdBlockPtr paramPtr;
    /* what would normally be in the main() routine.

Have fun!


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