[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] problem with DO

davis%mauve@spar.slb.com (Paul Davis) (10/13/88)

HyperCard Z2-1.1

Having constructed a small command in a container using a predicate
entered in a field, I'm trying to execute the container using `do' and
I keep getting the message "Cannot interpret if in Message Box" when
the command contains an if-then clause. How do I get around this - I
thought that `do' executed its argument as if it were a script, not a
message box entry ... do I need a later version ?

eg; a simple button script

on mouseUp
	get field "salary-predicate"
	put it into instruction
	put "if 14000 " before instruction
	put " then put " & quote & "hello, world" & quote after
	do instruction
end mouseUp

	(where the field "salary-predicate" contains something like
		"> 10000")

Please reply to me - I'm not (yet) recieving this list (it's on its
way), and PLEASE for your own peace of mind, use the Reply-to: address
for now.

Many thanks,
