punia@uvm-cs.UUCP (David T. Punia) (04/12/85)
*********************** Computer Lab for Sale ************************ Having committed heavily to AT&T's PC 6300 (more about this in some upcoming postings in net.micro and net.cse), the University of Vermont is offering for sale a fully equipped DEC Rainbow 100 teaching lab. The lab includes 20 Rainbow 100 microcomputers, each secured to a 31" by 54" table, 4 LA-120-AA printers with stands and T-switches (like INMAC #1865). Each Rainbow is configured with 128K RAM, graphics controller, RX-50 dual 384K diskette drive, and each has licensed copies of CP/M 86-80 and Microsoft MBASIC-86. The lab is laid out as 4 rows of 5 machines, each row sharing one printer. Printer wiring is run inside floor mounted cable cover (see MISCO part numbers KK1190-91 or INMAC Cable Bridges) with a junction at each machine and at the printers. Also included are 40 stacking chairs, 8 multiple outlet AC power strips, a Rainbow spares kit for on-site repairs and single copies, with documentation, of Microsoft Multiplan, Select-86 Word Processing, Polygon Associates Poly-XFR/TRM Communications, Digital Research PL1-80, and the Mark Williams C compiler. This equipment is 2 years old and in outstanding condition. Maintenance costs have been next to none beyond regular peventive measures. We are offering the lab in it's entirety, including furnishings, wiring, and documentation at 40 percent of our costs, which included a 28 percent discount from DEC. For further information, pictures, or other details, contact me through one of the channels below. -- -------------- David T. Punia, Dept. of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering, The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405 802-656-3330 USENET --> ....!decvax!dartvax!uvm-gen!punia CSNET ---> punia@uvm