[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] How to get number of card relative to background

w-colinp@microsoft.UUCP (Colin Plumb) (11/28/88)

In one stack I was creating, I had things set up so one "entry" in the
stack consisted of several corresponding cards, each with a different
background, and buttons to move between the various cards.  Um... Imagine
I was doing a flash-card thing, where I have one card with a picture on it
and another with a field holding the name.

It seemed to me that the most natural way to arrange it was so that card n
of background "foo" corresponded to card n of background "bar", etc.  I
could move to card n of background "bar" from the card in background "foo"
very easily, assuming I could find n.

I tried various combinations of "get the card number in this background",
but nothing seemed to work.  Yet it seems that if I can name a card some
way, I should be able to find the name of a card using the same scheme.
I.e. I can go to a given card i.d., and I can get the card i.d. of the
current card.  I can go to card n of a stack, and I can find the position
of the current card in the stack.  Etc.

Anybody know how to do this for 'go card n of background "foo"'?
I came up with half a dozen work-arounds for my problem, but I'm still

Ideas, anyone?
	-Colin (microsof!w-colinp@sun.com)