[net.news.group] USENET v.s. Management

fair@ucbvax.UUCP (09/29/83)

I get the distinct impression from the submissions that I read in here
regarding net.gay that 50+% of USENET is there in spite of, rather than
because of the management of various Corporations, Universities, and other
institutions. What is the true situation?

USENET administrators: If I called your supervisor (whomever he/she/it
is), and asked if they were aware of USENET traffic on certain of the
computer systems under his/her/its supervision, would he/she/it say,

	"Really? That's news to me."	[ :-) ]

	"Yes, I know and I support it fully"

	"So what?"

or perhaps some other response? I'd like to see responses posted to the net.

	Erik E. Fair	{ucbvax,amd70,zehntel,unisoft}!dual!fair
			Dual Systems Corporation

P.S.	My supervisor at Dual would probably say, "So what?"