[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Wish List item for HyperCard 2.0

jlc@atux01.UUCP (J. Collymore) (04/06/89)

For the HyperCard 2.0 developers out there, could you please add the following
to HyperCard:

- The ability to change the shape of the button to any polygon,

- the ability to assign a button name in vertical position as well as standard
  horizontal position,

- the ability to make a button name of TWO lines,

- the ability to assign different (System-bundled) fonts to the button name,

- the ability to assign, create, or copy, icons from your own art work, or other
   clip art that a user may have WITHOUT having to use RESEDIT or other
  shareware programs,

- the ability for a field to sense a mouseClick and perform execute a script.

PLEASE include these features in the next release of HyperCard!


					Jim COllymore

AXS101@PSUVM.BITNET (Adrian Sullivan) (04/06/89)

In article <1100@atux01.UUCP>, jlc@atux01.UUCP (J. Collymore) says:
>- the ability for a field to sense a mouseClick and perform execute a script.
>                                        Jim COllymore
can't fields already do this? i'm almost 100% sure they can if the text is
is locked. i've used fields as buttons (so i can change the font, i'm
sick of that old boring font the buttons have), it seems to work fine
for me. this probably won't work if your fields are not locked though.
                                                 Adrian Sullivan
axs101@psuvm.bitnet                               Vice President- PAMUG
axs101@psuvm.psu.edu                              Little Mac BBs
axs@psuarch.bitnet                                 (814) 238-4276
GENIE: A.SULLIVAN3 - i think                       1:129/95 fido!
sysop@f95.n129.z1.fidonet.org                      2400/1200bps, 8-n-1
adrian.sullivan@f95.n129.z1.fidonet.org            24hrs, except 3:40-5am

stone@hydra.unm.edu (Andrew Stone CS.DEPT) (04/06/89)

In article <1100@atux01.UUCP> jlc@atux01.UUCP (J. Collymore) writes:
>For the HyperCard 2.0 developers out there, could you please add the following
>- the ability to assign different (System-bundled) fonts to the button name,
This can be done now:

set the textfont of btn "new button" to Calligraphy
set the textsize of btn "new button" to 48
set the textstyle of btn "new button"  to Shadow

Etc, however, if you distribute your stack, you may want to include the 
special fonts [if they are public domain, of course] so  the changes "stick"

>- the ability for a field to sense a mouseClick and perform execute a script.

--go prev message
>					Jim COllymore

||	   Andrew Stone	            ??	     the fictive milieu		||
||         stone@hydra.unm.edu	    <>    of contemporary society	||

jlc@atux01.UUCP (J. Collymore) (04/07/89)

In article <89096.04:03:29.AXS101@PSUVM>, AXS101@PSUVM.BITNET (Adrian Sullivan) writes:
> In article <1100@atux01.UUCP>, jlc@atux01.UUCP (J. Collymore) says:
> >- the ability for a field to sense a mouseClick and perform execute a script.
> >                                        Jim COllymore
> can't fields already do this? i'm almost 100% sure they can if the text is
> is locked. i've used fields as buttons (so i can change the font, i'm
> sick of that old boring font the buttons have), it seems to work fine
> for me. this probably won't work if your fields are not locked though.
>                                                  Adrian Sullivan
The fields that I was referring to are NOT locked text fields, they are fields
that the user CAN add data to.  HOWEVER, I want to be able to have the field
sense either a mouseClick, or KeyClick so that it will be able to tell me when a
user has modified (i.e., tampered with a data in that field)!

If anyone can tell me how to do this I would REALLY appreciate it.  Thanks

					Jim Collymore

kurtzman@pollux.usc.edu (Stephen Kurtzman) (04/07/89)

In article <1114@atux01.UUCP> jlc@atux01.UUCP (J. Collymore) writes:

>The fields that I was referring to are NOT locked text fields, they are fields
>that the user CAN add data to.  HOWEVER, I want to be able to have the field
>sense either a mouseClick, or KeyClick so that it will be able to tell me when a
>user has modified (i.e., tampered with a data in that field)!

Try putting openField and closeField handlers in your field scripts.
For instance, try the following:

on openField
  global oldFieldName,oldText
  put the name of the target into oldFieldName
  put me into oldText
end openField

on closeField
  global oldFieldName,oldText

  -- first check to make sure we have text from the proper field
  if (the name of the target) <> oldFieldName then
    -- the last openField executed was not for this field, so punt
    exit closeField

  put me into newText

  if newText <> oldText then
   -- do processing for changed data

end closeField

Hope that helps.

englandr@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Scott Englander) (04/07/89)

In article <1100@atux01.UUCP> jlc@atux01.UUCP (J. Collymore) writes:
>For the HyperCard 2.0 developers out there, could you please add the following
>to HyperCard:
>- the ability for a field to sense a mouseClick and perform execute a script.

If i understand you, HC does this now:  If the field is locked, it will 
receive mouseup messages, and you can have a "on mouseup" handler in the
field script.

Here's another addition for button features:

- the ability to choose a font (and style, etc) for the button name. 

                                               - Scott

austing@Apple.COM (Glenn L. Austin) (04/08/89)

In article <1100@atux01.UUCP> jlc@atux01.UUCP (J. Collymore) writes:
>For the HyperCard 2.0 developers out there, could you please add the following
>to HyperCard:
>- The ability to change the shape of the button to any polygon,

You could do this with several overlapping buttons.

>- the ability to assign a button name in vertical position as well as standard
>  horizontal position,
>- the ability to make a button name of TWO lines,

You can use a locked text field for these.

>- the ability to assign different (System-bundled) fonts to the button name,

You can change the textFont of a button from the message line (or a script)

>- the ability to assign, create, or copy, icons from your own art work, or other
>   clip art that a user may have WITHOUT having to use RESEDIT or other
>  shareware programs,

There are several XCMDs for doing this from Hypercard now...

>- the ability for a field to sense a mouseClick and perform execute a script.

Lock the field and it can detect mouseClicks, or do a command-click on the

As you can see, most of these are already in HyperCard 1.2.2.  In some cases
(such as the vertical text or polygons) you just have to be a little creative.

| Glenn L. Austin             | The nice thing about standards is that      | 
| Apple Computer, Inc.        | there are so many of them to choose from.   | 
| Internet: austing@apple.com |       -Andrew S. Tanenbaum                  |
| All opinions stated above are mine -- who else would want them?           |

jdevoto@Apple.COM (Jeanne A. E. DeVoto) (04/08/89)

In article <1114@atux01.UUCP> jlc@atux01.UUCP (J. Collymore) writes:
>  [...]     I want to be able to have the field sense either
>a mouseClick, or KeyClick so that it will be able to tell me when a
>user has modified (i.e., tampered with a data in that field)!

You can use the openField message to tell when an insertion point is
placed in an unlocked field (either by clicking on it or tabbing into
it). The closeField message is sent when the insertion point is removed
from a field AND the data in the field has changed.

I think one of these will do what you want.

jeanne a. e. devoto

tim@hoptoad.uucp (Tim Maroney) (04/08/89)

In article <4790@charon.unm.edu> stone@hydra.unm.edu.UUCP (Andrew Stone
CS.DEPT) writes:
>Etc, however, if you distribute your stack, you may want to include the 
>special fonts [if they are public domain, of course] so  the changes "stick"

I read in the newspaper (San Francisco Chronicle) last fall that the
USA courts had repeatedly ruled that electronic fonts could not be
registered with the copyright office.  I didn't snip the article,
but it should be easy enough to find from the Index if your library
carries the paper.  I think it's a bogus ruling -- fonts definitely
are works of art -- but it seems that at present, there are no legal
restrictions on font distribution.
Tim Maroney, Consultant, Eclectic Software, sun!hoptoad!tim
"Gorbachev is returning to the heritage of the great Lenin" - Ronald Reagan

tron@wpi.wpi.edu (Richard G Brewer) (04/08/89)

Well, this isn't exactly a wish for HC 2.0, BUT I think that it a relivant
wish (for conveinence, if nothing else :^) ). I would like to the the US
version of the Macintosh Software automatically recognize and compensate for
daylight savings time (i.e. automatically turn the clock forward/back). I
can't see why this hasn't been done before, all it would take would be a
couple of extra flags in the system software (to determine if the clock change
has already been done), and a line of code to tell the machine to set the
clock forward/back. 

In a generic code, it would look like this:

procedure check date
	if Date = first sunday in april continue else skip
		if TurnBackFlag = 0 continue else skip
			turn clock ahead one hour
		end procedure

after the day passes (i.e. any other day besides the turn forward/back dates)
the flags would be set back to zero.

- Richard G. Brewer


truelr@silver.bacs.indiana.edu (Robert Truel) (04/09/89)

In article <1793@wpi.wpi.edu> tron@wpi.wpi.edu (Richard G Brewer) writes:
>I would like to the the US
>version of the Macintosh Software automatically recognize and compensate for
>daylight savings time (i.e. automatically turn the clock forward/back). I
>can't see why this hasn't been done before,
>- Richard G. Brewer

Here in (Central) Indiana, we don't run on Daylight Savings Time, so unless
you want to force people to keep their Map up to date, and check for
the regions of the world that change, forget it.  It is much easier
for someone who is setting all of their other clocks back to set their
computers clock back also, than it is for someone who doesn't even
know that it is now "Daylight Savings Time" elsewhere to change theirs.
I for one am a bit leery of my computer doing too many things for me, 
especially when it doesn't do them correctly.  Although, before I knew the
benfits of disk block caching, I was wary of a new computer that didn't
even let the user remove his own disk from the drive.

"just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get
you" :)

djlinse@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Dennis Linse) (04/09/89)

In article <1793@wpi.wpi.edu> tron@wpi.wpi.edu (Richard G Brewer) writes:
>Well, this isn't exactly a wish for HC 2.0, BUT I think that it a relivant
>wish (for conveinence, if nothing else :^) ). I would like to the the US
>version of the Macintosh Software automatically recognize and compensate for
>daylight savings time (i.e. automatically turn the clock forward/back). I
>can't see why this hasn't been done before, all it would take would be a
>couple of extra flags in the system software (to determine if the clock change
>has already been done), and a line of code to tell the machine to set the
>clock forward/back. 
> [Example code deleted]
>- Richard G. Brewer

While this may be a useful feature, one must be careful implementing it,
for daylight savings time is far from a 'natural' occurance.  The
problem with implementing any simple code as suggested is that congress
may change its mind and then the code causes more harm than good.  There
has been a discussion on comp.sys.sgi this week because some of the Iris
workstations have daylight savings time conversion coded into the time
functions (in Sys V).  Unfortunately, it is coded as the last sunday in
April and the last sunday in October.  So now one has to kludge the time
and the 'EDT' until it 'automatically' fixes it in a couple of weeks, and
then fix it back.  Therefore IF one wants to do this, make sure it is a
complete implementation, not a hard coded change.

Found at the top of a looonnng homework assignment:
   "Activity is the only road to knowledge"  G.B. Shaw

henry@hutto.UUCP (Henry Melton) (04/09/89)

> The fields that I was referring to are NOT locked text fields, they are fields
> that the user CAN add data to.  HOWEVER, I want to be able to have the field
> sense either a mouseClick, or KeyClick so that it will be able to tell me when a
> user has modified (i.e., tampered with a data in that field)!
> If anyone can tell me how to do this I would REALLY appreciate it.  Thanks
> 					Jim Collymore

I have been using 'on closefield' update a timestamp indicating when a
card was last modified.  Is this what you are after?  The field only
opens and closes if I make a change in it.

		Henry Melton

This is a test signature file.

tim@hoptoad.uucp (Tim Maroney) (04/09/89)

In article <1793@wpi.wpi.edu> tron@wpi.wpi.edu (Richard G Brewer) writes:
>Well, this isn't exactly a wish for HC 2.0, BUT I think that it a relivant
>wish (for conveinence, if nothing else :^) ). I would like to the the US
>version of the Macintosh Software automatically recognize and compensate for
>daylight savings time (i.e. automatically turn the clock forward/back).

Ah yes, all we need is for the Macintosh to read the newspapers so it can
keep up with acts of Congress.  During the energy crisis, DST was greatly
extended, and there is now legislation on the floor which would extend DST
to past Election Day every four years to help with a uniform poll closing
time.  There is no algorithmic way to determine whether we are in Daylight
Savings Time or not....
Tim Maroney, Consultant, Eclectic Software, sun!hoptoad!tim
"The men promise to provide unconditionally for their wives.  The women in turn
serve unconditionally to provide the other household services necessary for the
men to fulfill their obligations to the women.  The women are satisfied because
they have the men working for THEM." -- Colin Jenkins, soc.women

siili@opmvax.kpo.fi (Tero Siili) (04/09/89)

> For the HyperCard 2.0 developers out there, could you please add the following
> to HyperCard:
> - The ability to change the shape of the button to any polygon,
> - the ability to assign a button name in vertical position as well as standard
>   horizontal position,
> - the ability to make a button name of TWO lines,
> - the ability to assign different (System-bundled) fonts to the button name,
> - the ability to assign, create, or copy, icons from your own art work, or other
>    clip art that a user may have WITHOUT having to use RESEDIT or other
>   shareware programs,
> - the ability for a field to sense a mouseClick and perform execute a script.

In addition to these, the possibility to use vector graphics in addition
to bitmaps would be most welcome. An object called PICT or something. I'm
thinking of storing plots, layouts, etc., which are more conveniently stored
and edited than bitmaps.

Tero Siili
Finnish Meteorological Institute,
Department of Geophysics

svc@well.UUCP (Leonard Rosenthol) (04/10/89)

In article <1793@wpi.wpi.edu>, tron@wpi.wpi.edu (Richard G Brewer) writes:
> [Would like to see the U.S. System handle DST/ST automagically]
> In a generic code, it would look like this:
> procedure check date
> 	if Date = first sunday in april continue else skip
> 		if TurnBackFlag = 0 continue else skip
> 			turn clock ahead one hour
> 		end procedure
> after the day passes (i.e. any other day besides the turn forward/back dates)
> the flags would be set back to zero.
	There is one obvious (and one not so obvious) reason why this is not
built into the system software and that is even though it is the U.S. System 
it is STILL used by people outside the U.S!!  The non-obvous reason is that
your algorithm does not always work.  There has been times in the past where
the date for clock-changing has not always been 'first sunday in april', it
has varied (for strange reasons).  So all of a sudden the system changes your
clock on you - 'Now how did that happen??'
	You should also consider that the Macintosh Programmer Guidelines 
specify that the programmer should not change user-defined things behind the
users back.  There is a wonderful disucssion about this going on in the
comp.sys.mac.programmers concerning resizing windows on the user.
	Your idea is not a bad one, and I understand that someone wrote a 
CDEV that will auto change your clocks for you, but re,member that it may
do it without telling you it did it, and it might not do it when you expect
it to.  Another place this might fit it is an an extension to the Map CDEV
since it does change the clock for you when you SET a new location, it could
also know about DST.

Leonard Rosenthol        |  GEnie : MACgician
Lazerware, inc.          |  MacNet: MACgician
UUCP: svc@well.UUCP      |  ALink : D0025

tron@wpi.wpi.edu (Richard G Brewer) (04/10/89)

>In article <1793@wpi.wpi.edu> tron@wpi.wpi.edu (Richard G Brewer) writes:
>>Well, this isn't exactly a wish for HC 2.0, BUT I think that it a relivant
>>wish (for conveinence, if nothing else :^) ). I would like to the the US
>>version of the Macintosh Software automatically recognize and compensate for

Well, it was just a suggestion..... :^)

- Richard G. Brewer


ching@pepsi.amd.com (Mike Ching) (04/10/89)

In article <11285@well.UUCP> svc@well.UUCP (Leonard Rosenthol) writes:
 >In article <1793@wpi.wpi.edu>, tron@wpi.wpi.edu (Richard G Brewer) writes:
 >> [Would like to see the U.S. System handle DST/ST automagically]
 >	There is one obvious (and one not so obvious) reason why this is not
 >built into the system software and that is even though it is the U.S. System 
 >it is STILL used by people outside the U.S!!  The non-obvous reason is that
 >your algorithm does not always work.  There has been times in the past where
 >the date for clock-changing has not always been 'first sunday in april', it
 >has varied (for strange reasons).  So all of a sudden the system changes your
 >clock on you - 'Now how did that happen??'

Another problem is what happens in places like Arizona and Hawaii that
don't ever switch to daylight savings time. They would have to correct
their clocks when nothing should have happened.

Mike Ching

tron@wpi.wpi.edu (Richard G Brewer) (04/11/89)

In article <25181@amdcad.AMD.COM> ching@pepsi.AMD.COM (Mike Ching) writes:
>In article <11285@well.UUCP> svc@well.UUCP (Leonard Rosenthol) writes:
> >In article <1793@wpi.wpi.edu>, tron@wpi.wpi.edu (Richard G Brewer) writes:
> >> [Would like to see the U.S. System handle DST/ST automagically]
> >> 
> >	There is one obvious (and one not so obvious) reason why this is not
> >built into the system software and that is even though it is the U.S. System 
> >it is STILL used by people outside the U.S!!  The non-obvous reason is that
>Another problem is what happens in places like Arizona and Hawaii that
>don't ever switch to daylight savings time. They would have to correct
>their clocks when nothing should have happened.

This could all be easily solved by activating/deactivating the auto-time
change through a check box on the control panel CDEV...

You could also set the dates manually from the C.P., thus effectively
eliminating the argument that changing dates would screw it up... 

- Richard G. Brewer

hsd@uvacs.cs.Virginia.EDU (Harry S. Delugach) (04/14/89)

In article <1100@atux01.UUCP> jlc@atux01.UUCP (J. Collymore) writes:
>For the HyperCard 2.0 developers out there, could you please add the following
>to HyperCard:
>- the ability to assign different (System-bundled) fonts to the button name,

I believe this already works in HC 1.2.1:
	set textfont of btn id 12 to "Geneva"
	set textsize of btn id 12 to 9
	.. etc. ..
                              Harry S. Delugach   
Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901  U.S.A.
  INTERNET: hsd@cs.virginia.edu       BITNET: hsd2x@virginia
  UUCP: ..!uunet!virginia!uvacs!hsd   CIS: 72727,2363    VOICE: (804) 295-2063