kemp@noscvax.UUCP (Stephen P. Kemp) (04/18/85)
I am trying to put together a set of the most current software for a functional suite of public domain software for the programming user of CP/M. I'm having trouble pinning down which versions are most current, and more importantly, whether each version is compatible with all the other versions. 1) Can anyone help me to complete the following list? 2) Are there any potential incompatibilites in the suite? CP/M Public Domain Software Suite NAME CURRENT (my version) VERSION Description ---------- --------- ---------------------------- de-lbr ? lbr unpacker dirr ? directory lister du (v77) v89 disk dump utility grep ? a la unix, text searcher listt 16 list text to printer lu (v1.10) v310 library utility lrun (v1.0) ? library utility newcat (v2.8) ? disk file inventory cataloger sq (v1.6) ? squeeze usq (v1.9) NUSQ v2.0 unsqueeze fls (v1.1) v11 filename generator sort ? -- any recommendations? -- sweep v40 file copy/rename utility ted (v1.1) ? line oriented text editor ----Thanks in advance, Steve Kemp {ihnp4, decvax, akgua, dcdwest, ucbvax}!sdcsvax!noscvax!kemp Computer Sciences Corp. kemp@nosc.ARPA Naval Ocean Systems Center San Diego, CA 92152