[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] decenders obscured?

newman@ut-emx.UUCP (Dave Newman) (06/05/89)

Using HC version 1.2.2, I have a few fields in which the
lines are turned on.  In these fields, the decenders of
any characters that have them are obscured somehow. (That
is to say that the parts of a character that would normally
appear below the line dont.)  Is this a known bug?


american@pnet51.cts.com (Jeff Iverson) (06/06/89)

newman@ut-emx.UUCP (Dave Newman) writes:
>Using HC version 1.2.2, I have a few fields in which the
>lines are turned on.  In these fields, the decenders of
>any characters that have them are obscured somehow. (That
>is to say that the parts of a character that would normally
>appear below the line dont.)  Is this a known bug?

First thing to check in this situation would be the textHeight of the
characters, if the textHeight isn't large enough, the tails of certain
characters will get lost.  Sounds like this is what is happening to you.

Yours in HyperCard,

UUCP: {amdahl!bungia, uunet!rosevax, chinet, killer}!orbit!pnet51!american
ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51!american@nosc.mil
INET: american@pnet51.cts.com