PJORGENS%COLGATEU.BITNET@CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu (06/15/89)
Greetings: There are many, many fine XCMDs and XFCNs on various nets and developer stacks, and I compliment all of the "hackers" who have spent hours putting them together. The problem is, there seems to be noone who is taking/accepting responsiblity for the registration/assignment of names for these things. This results in two problems: 1) Several similar Xcode resources have been "published" by different authors who have choosen identical names for their work. I spent much time trying recently to get COPYFILE to work, only to discover that the syntax I was using, and being told to use, was for the COPYFILE _XFCN_ and I was using the COPYFILE _XCMD_! I also have two different DELETEFILE xcode resources, etc. 2) X-code authors are not receive their due credits because it is so easy to lose track of where a particular x-code came from. I propose, if it doesn't already exist, a central registry of x-code. I know about various depositories (sumex@aim for example) and I am NOT proposing to duplicate that function. Only the function of registering names, authors, versions, and sources for these things. I would be happy to serve as the moderator, although my BITNET only connection might be limiting (?). What I envision is a simple list of these things with the other information as deemed appropriate in a stack that would be available for downloading over the net. A "New XCode" bulletin would be issued whenever a new resource is registered. Every month or so the new resources would be incorporated into the stack. Again, This stack would not contain any code resources, just the information about them. So, whaddayasay? If it sounds good, let's do it... or has someone already? Peter Jorgensen Microcomputer specialist Colgate University - Hamilton, NY 13346 AppleLink - U0523 BITNET - PJORGENSEN@COLGATEU tel - 315-824-1000 ext 742