[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Need info on authoring tools

mark@mtuxo.att.com (XG1W6-M.PERKINS) (06/30/89)

    I seem to recall that someone asked recently about tools to assist
in creating Mac "courseware", but I didn't pay attention at the time.

    What I need is a way of building some training tools with minimal
effort, at first.  I'm interested in things like "Course Builder" from
Telerobotics International.  I am also interested in tools that assist
in building educational HyperCard stacks (CourseStackWare? 8{) ).

    Please email suggestions, pointers to reviews in the MacRags, etc.,
and I will summarize.  Thanks.
	Mark Perkins
Internet: mark@mtlan.att.com		AT&T Bell Laboratories
Usenet:   att!mtlan!mark		200 Laurel Avenue, Rm 4G-517
Phone:	  (201) 957-6480		Middletown, NJ  07748