[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] PointInRegion xftn problems...

rasnow@bek-mc.caltech.edu (Brian Rasnow) (07/18/89)

I am trying to implement the equivalent of the quickdraw PtInRgn fucntion as
a LSC xfcn.  The point and region coordinates are strings passed from 
hypercard.  I want to create a quickdraw (qd) region, and call the qd 
function PtInRgn() for the answer (I am not interested in any drawing, 
etc.).  The code below kills hypercard on OpenRgn().  If I save the 
current port, SetPort to a new window, do the region stuff, and restore
the port, I can get thru the xftn - but hypercard dies the next time it
tries drawing (eg. go next card).  Any suggestions are appreciated.

	ptH = paramPtr->params[0];	
	rgnH = paramPtr->params[1];
	sscanf( *ptH, "%d,%d", &(pt.h), &(pt.v) );
    str = *rgnH;
    sscanf( str, "%d,%d", &firstx, &firsty );
 	str = stpchr( strp, '\n' );
 	qdrgn = NewRgn();
    MoveTo(firstx, firsty);
  	while(str != NULL)
		sscanf(++str, "%d,%d", &x, &y );
		str = stpchr( strp, '\n' );
	LineTo(firstx, firsty);
	answer =  PtInRgn(pt, qdrgn);

rasnow@caltech.edu (Brian Rasnow)