[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Has anyone tried ColorCard or CompileIt?

rieman@tigger.colorado.edu (John Rieman) (08/22/89)

ColorCard, from Kinko's Academic Software, claims to add windows
and color graphics to Hypercard, as XFCNs.  But it looks
like it just displays color pictures in windows -- i.e., it doesn't
incorporate color into the main Hypercard window.  ($40)

CompileIt, from Heizer Software, is supposed to speed up scripts
by a factor of 5 to 10.  I dunno whether it compiles scripts into
XCMDs (seems like 5 - 10 isn't enough of an improvement) or just
does some tricky optimization, or...?  ($100)

Can anyone describe their experience with either of these products
before I spend money on 'em?

Thanks much,

John Rieman, University of Colorado, Boulder

woodl@yvax.byu.edu (08/22/89)

     I just recently purchased CompileIt, but haven't used it extensively yet.
I did run their demo which is a HT function that does square roots.  You
compile it.  It worked much as they claim (e.g., the function in HT takes 2-3
seconds on SQRT(1000), whereas when it is compiled, it is almost instantaneous.
It appears to have become an XFCN, but I didn't actually check with ResEdit.
The original function is only about a dozen lines and it took 13 minutes to
compile, so you will spend some time waiting.

Larry Wood, Brigham Young University

ryan@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Ryan R. Ramsey) (08/24/89)

In article <762woodl@yvax.byu.edu> woodl@yvax.byu.edu writes:
>     I just recently purchased CompileIt, but haven't used it extensively yet.
>I did run their demo which is a HT function that does square roots.  You
>compile it.  It worked much as they claim (e.g., the function in HT takes 2-3
>seconds on SQRT(1000), whereas when it is compiled, it is almost instantaneous.
>It appears to have become an XFCN, but I didn't actually check with ResEdit.
>The original function is only about a dozen lines and it took 13 minutes to
>compile, so you will spend some time waiting.
>Larry Wood, Brigham Young University

I have TRIED to use CompileIT many times but it seems to be more of a hassle
than it is worth. The observations I have made are:

	1> It does not compile the stack but only blocks of code. If you have
	   a big stack with 100 subroutines, CompileIt will make 100 different

	2> The XCMDS work very fast, but unless you compile everything, the  
	   difference in speed is hardly noticeable.

	3> CompileIT is slow. I tried to compile a 20 line subroutine and
	   it took almost 2 hours.

	4> CompileIT does not understand a lot of hypertalk structures thus
	   makeing many scripts uncompileable.

| Ryan R. Ramsey | UCLA Computer Science Dept.|
| ryan@CS.UCLA.EDU                            |
| ...!{uunet,rutgers,ucbvax}!cs.ucla.edu!ryan |