[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Message Window: probs w/global variables

spector@brillig.umd.edu (Lee Spector) (09/10/89)

Since I don't like the fact that the message box contains only one line
(causing old commands and results to be lost) I've been trying to hack
together a "message window" that'll act like windows in other interpreted
languages.  (Sort of like a "listener" window in Lisp).  The basics are
easy: grab the last line of the window, evaluate it somehow (by calling "do",
moving it to the message box, or some other trick), put the result into the
next line of the window, and scroll appropriately.  By making this into a
"returnInField" handler for the field you can get reasonable results.

HOWEVER, things get considerably worse when you try to set global variables
from your window.  For example, try "put 5 into j".  Following this with
"j <return>" gets you a "Can't understand j" message BECAUSE j WAS NOT SET
GLOBALLY.  This is true whether you evaluate with "do" or by moving the
relevant line to the message box and sending EnterKey.  Now I don't know
what rules HyperCard uses for variable scoping (is this written up anywhere?
Is it even consistent?) but by playing around I've found that I CAN set the
variable globally by creating, on the fly, a script for a hidden field that
looks like this:

 on kludge
  global j
  put 5 into j
 end kludge

Then I can send a "kludge" message to the hidden field to set the variable
globally.  HOWEVER, I must also do this sort of thing to REFER to j; that
is, in order to beable to type "j" and get 5 I must stuff it into a script
with the appropriate "global" statement.  NOW THIS GETS REALLY MESSY, because
the script has to have a different form depending on whether the given line 
is a command (like put...) or an expression (like 2 + 2).  Further, if I want
to allow for arbitrary references to global variables then I'll have to do
something very complicated (?).  In short, I'd have to rewrite the hypertalk
language parser and implement a copy of its run-time symbol table as well!

I conclude that there must be (BETTER BE) a better way.  How can I evaluate
It seems like you could just script this, but as far as I can tell the fact
that it's scripted changes the scope of the variables in the string.

If anyone has any insights, knows of a write-up of HyperTalk's scoping rules,
or knows of an already-written message window package, please let me know.


  -Lee (spector@brillig.umd.edu)

martin@m2.csc.ti.com (Steven Martin) (09/11/89)

In article <19503@mimsy.UUCP> spector@brillig.umd.edu.UUCP (Lee Spector) writes:
>I conclude that there must be (BETTER BE) a better way.  How can I evaluate
>It seems like you could just script this, but as far as I can tell the fact
>that it's scripted changes the scope of the variables in the string.

How about putting the string into the message box and then doing a
"type return".

on mydo string
  put string
  type return
end mydo

Good luck!

Steve Martin            USENET: {ctvax,im4u,texsun,rice}!ti-csl!martin
                        ARPANET: SMARTIN@CSC.TI.COM  COMPUSERVE: 72727,1471
                        GENIE: S.MARTIN8    PHONE: (214)-995-0387, 404-1061
I'll have four whole fried chickens and a Coke. -Jake Blues

spector@brillig.umd.edu (Lee Spector) (09/12/89)

Thanks to those who have taken the time to to think about this
problem.  Some of the advice is useful, but the problem has not
been solved.

martin@m2.csc.ti.com (Steven Martin) writes:
>How about putting the string into the message box and then doing a
>"type return".
>on mydo string
>  put string
>  type return
>end mydo

Unfortunately this does not work, because of the scoping problem I
mentioned.  Try it with the string "put 35 into foo" and then try to 
get the value of foo - only a local variable was set.   You can verify 
that the string WAS evaluated and that the LOCAL variable WAS set
by adding "put foo" after "type return".  But since the global was not
set we have not solved the problem.

LAWRENCE@S47.Prime.COM writes:
>Just require that the user explicitly type the 'global j' statement -
>recognize it, and save the 'j' in a hidden field.  Then build your
>handler each time by prepending a global statement with all the
>variables declared so far.

This is better but there are still several problems:
1) I don't WANT to require this of the user!  The idea of a message
window is to make interactive experimentation EASIER.  Having to
declare all temporary variables would be a pain and would defeat 
the purpose.
2) There's still the problem of how to build the REST of the handler.
Yes you could add lots of "global" statements to take care of 
variable references, but you'll need to have the last line of the
handler to be just what the user typed if it was a command, or
"return <what the user typed>" if it was an expression.  (In the 
message box you can type an expression or a command, but you
get an error in a handler if a line is either just an expression or
"return <command>").  How do you tell a command from an expression?  Is
Fizbin (2 + 2) a function call or a command??  It could be either...

So I'm still looking for a trick that will allow me to create a message
window to replace the annoying 1 line message box.
I'm wondering if there's an XCMD callback that will evaluate
the message box in the global context (even if it's called from
a script).  Anybody know?  

Thanks again,  -Lee (spector@brillig.umd.edu)

spector@brillig.umd.edu (Lee Spector) (09/12/89)

In article <19527@mimsy.UUCP> I (Lee Spector) write:
>So I'm still looking for a trick that will allow me to create a message
>window to replace the annoying 1 line message box.

My terminology was bad here - I really meant "message field", not "message
window".  I want a scrolling field into which the user can type commands
and get results.  A message *window* would be even nicer, of course, but
this is obviously more difficult and not really necessary for my purposes.

Thanks   -Lee (spector@brillig.umd.edu)